Monday, February 07, 2005

weird coincidence

Hey you guys will never guess who stopped into my store tonight. One of our old 1 south sisters Carrie Tanana. When she walked in I thought how weird it was that she looked so much like someone I knew from Wheaton. Then she came and asked me if I'd gone to Wheaton. She's married now and lives in Chicago. Her husband Tom is in Seminary there. Her sister Jill is working at a Christian camp in Branson, MO and Carrie was on her way home from a visit. What's really amazing to me is that she remembered me at all. Strange the people you can run into.


Stephen said...

that is BIZarre

Coye said...

I sort of knew Jill (we had a class or two together), but I never really met Carrie... but you know what they say: if you've seen one Tanana...

Strauss said...

That's cool that she said hello. Can't say that I ever knew them really. I must admit that occasionally nightmareish Disney rides sing truths. It's a small world, and people like funny animal noises.

DM said...

That's neat. I will probably see her at Ben's wedding in May.

Adam said...

Dusty, you talking about Ben Grover? If you talk to him, tell him I need an earful from him!

Coye said...

And if you run into Grover the Muppet, tell him that I'd really like to hear from him.