Friday, February 11, 2005

picture idea

What would you guys think about some type of picture circulation. One person could send their collection of Wheaton photos on a cd to one person, who then copies them and sends them to another. I would love to get some of the great T6 photos and other campus shots that some of you have. Mine will fit on a DVD-R. The small cost of shipping 10 times would be worth it to me, and I would also then get 10 cds worth of pictures in return.


Coye said...

I don't have a cd burner. I don't really have any digital pictures either. I guess that makes me a bad person. I'm going to go punish myself now.

Stephen said...

Dusty, that's a great idea. Each of us would have to send the package 2wice: 1nce around the circle to get everyone's photos on, and 1nce more so that everyone can get them all.

I'm in.

Shame on you Coye for being digitally-impotent.

DM said...

Coye, you can scan your photos at a library, etc. Just start the process now so you don't have to do them all at once. My library even has a cd burner in each computer. I'm sure you have at least one friend that has a CD-RW, or maybe even a DVD-RW drive.

Josh Hoisington said...

I don't have a computer. Or electricity. I don't believe in modern accoutrements.

Adam said...

This sounds suspiciously like some kind of pyramid scheme. Are we going to be tracked down by the Feds if we do this?

Josh Hoisington said...

I don't believe in federal prosecution.

DM said...

Ok Steve, when you get back from Japan, I will send you a DVD-R loaded with all of my Wheaton pictures. You can send me yours then.

Strauss said...

It's a great idea, assuming people have easy access to the technology. I still do the 35mm thing and will continue to do so until I run out of film. My photos from the last year are also on CD but not my old Wheaton pics.

Also, shame on you guys for scolding Coye. I have a bunch of friends here, but none of them own a photo scanner to my knowledge. Plus, not everyone has broadband. It can be sort of expensive for one recent college grad to afford it on his own. Finding a public library or other establishment with reliable and cheap ability to do this suggested task strikes me as rare.

If you want my photos digital, I can make doubles of my pictures, send them to somebody, and they can digitize them. But many of my pictures would still be excluded because they were courtesy of Liz Wright, and she has the negatives if anyone does.

DM said...

Well, sometime before the next 10 year reunion I am sure people can get around to it. What on earth does broadband have to do with this?

Andrew said...

so my question (perhaps revealing my lack of digital savvy) is this: why in the world, with all of the tools at our disposal, would we resort to using the post office for this activity? Isn't there an efficient, electronic way to bring this about?

DM said...

Well I don't think most people would know how to upload packages of pictures to a server. On the other hand, if I had all the pictures that people sent me, I could upload sets up pictures to my server, and then give you all links to dowload a group of them at a time. With all the GB of photos, I still think snail mail is the best way.