Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Name-A-Jones II

It's all fun and games until they share your DNA.


Coye said...

I could make up some legitimate excuse for re-opening the Jone's naming game, but do we really need an excuse for naming Dave's children?

Actually, I did it because I found another girl's name that I like: "Brittany". And "Brit" for short is fantastic. Unfortunately I don't have a new boy's name right now; it probably has something to do with the fact that I'd rather have daughters.

Dave said...

Well, you can keep coming up with girl names till your blue in the face, because yesterday I saw that MY SON is a P-card carrying fetus! He's also going to be very tall: our tech. kept saying, "Wow, look at those long arms and legs!"

The ultrasound expereince is absolutely incredible. I'll write more about it when I have some time...


Coye said...

SWEEEEET!!! I was going to ask you when Sarah was having an ultrasound. I guess that now I'll have to start thinking of non-glorbulous boy's names. And I guess you have to start thinking seriously about the C-card...

Strauss said...

Spears has tarnished that name too much for me to support it. Plus, I've always favored the Germans over the Brits and Northern French except when it comes to World Wars.

Congratulations on the boy, Dave. Have you and Sarah started thinking about names or is it just your friends? Traber Jones could work. He could go by Trabe or Abe for short. Instead of paying tribute to just one relative, you could pay tribute to 40+ brothers in Christ. Trabe Jones. I like the sound of that. All in favor?

Coye said...

Actually, Strauss, I was never a fan of "Britney" (which is the Spears spelling), but I really like "Brittany" (which is a region in France that makes some memorable appearances in Medieval English Lit) for a girl's name. You might not think that spelling is important, but you're talking to a guy whose name becomes a Japanese goldfish if it gets misspelled. I also hate and have always hated "Fredrick" even though I love my first name "Frederick" (and, yes, I do pronounce the second "e").

Coye said...
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Coye said...

Strauss might be onto something with the "Traber" name, but in order to honor Mr. Logemann who was your roommate for two of your three years on T6, I think the full name should be "Traber Indiana".

Coye said...

Alright, Dave, (somewhat) seriously now: I still like "Emmanuel Jones", but I feel compelled to throw some more male names into the ring. I kind of like "Aiden" and "Gabriel"; they have a nice level of originality: there won't be 5 kids in their class with that name, but they also won't have to go through the "Coye? I've never heard that one before!" scenario every single time they meet someone. I'm also kind of a fan of using surnames for boy's first names: "Parker" works pretty well like that, and I would say "Jones" would be cool if it wasn't also your last name (I really can't recommend "Vogelzang Jones". Sorry, Sarah). Of course, you could just give him one name: "And I'd like you to meet my son, Jones." Maybe not...

Strauss said...

If his only name was Jones, it might increase his probability of being an international superstar at soccer. Pele, Ronaldinho, etc.