Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Friends of Traber 6

There is a lot of controversy over Traber 6 guys today. The main thing we hear about them is how we are supposed to communicate with them. There are many reasons why we must help save the Traber 6 community but the one that is often looked over is how the 1999-2001 Traber 6ers have been affected since they were driven out by college housing policies. There are many members of the T6 extended family who need help in reconnecting their communities. Before anyone can help T6 they need to learn about its former inhabitants and their ways of life beyond Wheaton. Once people know what is going on they have to find ways to contribute and that is your job.

The Task
It is your job to help the former inhabitants of Traber 6 save their community. You need to find out what your T6 friends do, what they live in, what they eat, and how they cure sickness, etc. You need to find out as many facts about the culture of the people as you can and then write a post as the friend of T6 that you are. As soon as you finish the post you will begin researching ways to help further the community. So get to it. Save the rainforest, whoops, I meant T6.

If you would like to make a written contribution, submit a post to (future open floor blog site or Dusty's site). All posts are tax deductible.

This could be the home page to an "open floor" blog or forum.


Coye said...

I think that maybe you're in the wrong field, Strauss. You should be a lobbiest!

Strauss said...

I have worked in marketing for a non-profit before. I didn't like it even though I believed in the cause.

DM said...

hey, don't call it "Dusty's" site!

Strauss said...

Okay. Dusty, I do appreciate what you're trying to do. I just don't see it as the true Traber 611 Online, at least not yet. I have to be won over. I can call this Dave's site if it makes you feel any better.

Coye said...

Yeah, Strauss, I can't believe you. It's called Dusty's "site".