Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Politics and Food?

Beyond the demonization of a good cup of coffee.

What's for Dinner?

Here's a taste: "In last summer’s polling, the latest available, Mrs. Clinton scored high among voters who also had favorable views of McDonalds, Wal-Mart and Starbucks."

And why don't republicans like her...?


Strauss said...

I haven't decided who to vote for in the general election, but I'd say I'm 65% likely to vote for McCain. 30% likely to vote for Obama, and 5% likely to vote for Hillary.

Now to test the accuracy of this preference thing by giving each category 14 points with which to rank my preferences.

Likelihood of doing the following "exercise":
Trail running: 13 (O)
Elliptical machine: 1 (H)
Fishing: 0 (M)

Corn: 11 (M)
Local grass fed cow: 3 (O)
Boca: 0 (H)

Raw Sugar: 13 (O)
Honey: 1 (H)
Splenda: 0 (M)

Crunchy Chip: 6(M)
Fig Newton: 6(H)
Soft Chip: 2(O)

Fast food:
Panera: 11 (O)
Hardee's: 2 (M)
Church's Fried Chicken: 1 (H)

Shop at:
Safeway: 10(M)
Local farmers market: 4(O)
Whole Paycheck: 0 (H)

Grocery cart:
Hillary: 6
Obama: 5
McCain: 3

And the totals out of a possible...
Obama 51
McCain 32
Hillary 15

Note: Total is 98, not 100, but it gives you the picture.

In conclusion the stereotypes held somewhat true for me. Clinton was accurately in the basement, but McCain and Obama flip-flopped.

I'd be interested in some of the rest of you doing this experiment.

Coye said...

I was too ashamed to admit my love of fig newtons.

What I loved in the story was Hillary's PR people trying to spin the grocery list as a "working class people like Hillary" number, then the numbers show her supporters are most likely to shop at Whole Paycheck, which, I can assure you, is full of pipe-fitters and auto mechanics.

I do like grass-fed trail running...