Monday, July 02, 2007

It did not give of bird or bush

So I have what probably qualifies as a mandatory update announcement:

I just got an email from the editor of the Wallace Stevens Journal, and they are publishing my article on Stevens, memorialization and the World Trade Center. It's not the largest journal, but publication counts as a major career milestone in the humanities, so I thought I should share it with you guys. The earliest it would be out will be Spring 2008, but I could (today, if I wanted) start putting it down as a "forthcoming" publication on my CV.

And I am still up 2-0 against Andy in the frolf books. That particular poison wasn't a banned substance until AFTER the match; it was totally legal at the time.


Andrew said...

Congratulations! As my advisor is fond of saying, the difference between having 0 publications on your CV and having 1 is the most important one you can make in your career. Years later, when you have many more under your belt, even more prestigious ones, they won't matter (to you personally, or to your career) as much as #1. So this is indeed a great milestone. Nice work.

Coye said...

Thank you, Andy. That is quite generous.

Dave said...

Coye, congratulations on what I'm sure is to be the first in a long string of publishing successes. It must be a truly wonderful feeling to have your hard labor rewarded in such a notable way! So here's my glass raised to you.

Josh Hoisington said...

Well done, Coye. I'm very happy for you!

Stephen said...

Congratulations! Are you gana mail us all a copy of the journal? I sure hope so.

Adam said...

or at least provide us with a website to view the mighty First publishment!

Andrew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andrew said...

Oh Dave, by the way... now that we have this great ability to tag our posts, why don't the tags appear on the margin for easy searching? This would be a great feature, and I've seen other blogs that have it, and those people aren't half as smart as you are, so I figure it should be easy to pull off for us. Just a thought.

Coye said...


Coye said...

The article won't be published until Spring '08 at the earliest. I have no idea how many off-prints I'll get, but my guess is not enough to mail to everyone. To see it online, you would have to be at a univeristy whose library system subscribes to the Stevens Journal online. I can, however, give you the title here and now, free and clear:
"It Must Remember: Wallace Stevens, Poetic Memorial and September 11, 2001"

and, technically, Dave, Andy and Adam all beat me with their publishments

Dave said...

Plus a poll to boot. hows that?