Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Is our archive being destroyed?

What's happening to the early months of our blog? Is it being eaten alive? I know we started this thing before December 04. For example, where is the lovely picture I took of Logemann's house burning down???!!!

Maybe we should rethink moving to a private space where we have more control of the content.


Coye said...

No, Dave, we did start in December '04. Those are definitely the first two posts when we're talking about "609 online." I don't know why the attack on Andy's house isn't showing up (all the other pictures seem to be) and it still links to it here http://photos1.blogger.com/img/209/1699/640/oops.jpg

Coye said...

but if there is a problem, I'm pretty sure that it's the immigrants causing it

Dave said...

oops. Right, the thing goes from bottom to top not top to bottom.

my bad.

but being alarmist is an awful lot of fun!

Coye said...

are we being eaten alive!!!

Coye said...

yeah, that was fun

Strauss said...

I'm contemplating making Logemann's burning house my office desktop wallpaper, because it's just that funny. There's good stuff back there: that picture, the Greenspan video, Dusty's letter cards, etc. Ah, the good old days.

Coye said...

I forgot about the D-cards! Those were fantastic!

Dave said...

what letter cards?

Strauss said...

Somebody needs to review the archives. It's the post that still holds the record for most comments if I'm not mistaken.

Coye said...

And as I remember, Dave, you once proclaimed your son to be a p-card carrying boy.

Dave said...

someone needs to provide a link. I remember the p-card and have a vague memory of the d-card. But try as I may, I cannot find said longest comment chain no matter how hard I look!

Dave said...

I keep finding this "DC" posting by dusty on the site search feature that I think is the one--but any time I try to get to it, it says the page dosen't exist.

Strauss said...

So sad. I just remembered when looking for it that Dusty took the call to be careful about how we talk about certain Wheaton women to mean that he should wipe out the whole post because of some of the comments that came out of it. Too bad.