Monday, July 10, 2006

Too Much Grass, Not Enough Green

Why do we have so much grass in America? It was hardly used at all in Japan, and I admit I missed it. But here there is such an awful excess in lawns, parks, sports fields, etc that I am beginning to loathe it. Why grass over every other plant on the earth?


Coye said...

"Sometimes women are like bread. You have to leave them alone to get a rise out of them."
-- a little wisdom from Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce

Ryan said...

I take it you mean grass is easy to get, attractive, low-maintenance, easy to walk on--the prototypical American man's ideal for yards as well as women. Sure, "tend the garden and keep it," if it's grass.


Ryan said...

Hey, I want to edit my post. FUN to walk on.

Strauss said...

I don't know about the low-maintenance concept. Letting your yard turn into woods or thigh high grasslands requires much less maintenance, especially if you care if your grass to look good. Weeding, aerating, watering, spraying, etc. We should leave the grass to places such as England that have the ideal climate/people to make it work.

Restore America to its former state!

Coye said...


I wasn't comparing women to grass. I was comparing women to bread. Who compares women to grass? That's just weird.

DM said...

At my house in AZ we only have a small lawn, just big enough for a couple of patio tables. The rest of the landscape is dirt and other plants. If you do plant a lawn at your new house, I would choose Zoysia, a grass that I intend to plant at my house in TN. It stays short, is very thick, something you might find on a green at a golf course.

Coye said...

Grass, unlike most plants, grows from the base of its stalk and not from the tip. This makes it possible to mow grass (to trim it, cut it, shape it, control it) without killing the plant. Thus, we plant grass all over the place.

Dave said...

Hey, we should start calling social things that grow from the bottom up something like "grass roots!"


Hey cool, everyone's doing it!

Dave said...

They should come out with a history of Pot and title it, "Grass Roots."


Darn it.