Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Independence Day

Happy 4th, everybody! Enjoy the grillin' and the chillin' (that's "chilling" for those of us without progeny and "children" for the breeders in our midst). But don't forget what the day's all about: the perfect mixture of alchohol, water sports and explosives. It's amazing that there are any Americans left alive (or at least with all our fingers). Excercise your freedom to choose between hot dogs and fried chicken, or eat them both and wash it all down with a cold Sam Adams. To paraphrase Patrick Henry: Give me a beer, or give me death! And be careful!

(You could also watch Germany play Italy at 3pm eastern... in honor of our German extraction.)


Dave said...

Speaking of independence:

From an NPR story today:

"I always wanted a house big enough that my kids could be in their room screaming, and my wife could be in a room screaming, and I could be somewhere else and not hear any of them," he says. "And I think I have accomplished this with this house, because this house is so big that everyone has their own space."

-Michael Frisby
Fulton, Md.

Coye said...

Thanks, Dave, that was really interesting. It's amusing/terrifying when the news starts to sound like Ray Bradburry.

Maybe advocates of "family values" should lead a campaign against big houses. (Except that what they typically mean is "capitalist values", so the house fits right in...)

Dave said...

Sarah and I have been researching alternative housing options on sites like cohousing.org. Interesting stuff.

Dave said...

I think we'd be on to somthing if we could build something like a co-housing community with a multiplying gene in its DNA. And if we could figure out how to incorporate a mixed income demographic, job training, and ongoing education into the mix; all the better.

Coye said...

Hey Dave,
did you meet any interesting people at the playground today? Anybody from Texas, maybe...

Dave said...

I KNOW; crazy huh? We're going to have dinner with them next friday.