Saturday, July 15, 2006

Get your tickets while they're hot!

In full support of our new plan to make crazy delicious money with off-the-wall ideas, I've decided to sell tickets to my wedding.

Dude... I'm getting married. That's stinking weird... and crazy delicious. So yes, I have bit the dust so to speak, and asked Rachel to marry me. After a cute pause, she said yes and sealed the deal. So... I'm excited! That's certainly the second most scary time I've ever had. Second only to almost getting blown up in Iraq. Either one is about as life-changing, but the marriage thing has gotta be WAY more fun. We're thinking of getting married sometime between the end of October and the New Year, but the earlier the better! I would fully accept comments in the nature of congratulations but more importantly, TELL ME WHAT THE HECK I'M SUPPOSED TO DO NOW! Advice from married and single alike are welcome. Peace, love, and all that gushy stuff.


Coye said...

Wow! Adam, you are sooooo hot! Especially in that picture. If the blog wasn't showing up on google before, then we certainly will be now... under "hotness."

Ryan said...

Adam, don't sell tickets. We recognize this pinnacle of earthly existence you are ascending and we are not going to cheapen it with our money or even with our mere presence at the wedding.

I propose that between now and that high day all friends of Adam or Rachel perform some glorious lionhearted feat in honor of their union.

As a condition of our attendance, each one of us should do some great act unbidden by the material course of life. In its heavy toll of courage, discipline, steadfastness, and restraint, it should bear token of the trials Adam and Rachel will likely undergo in their engagement.

What do you say?

Stephen said...

That's a great idea. I already finished my feat: beating all the levels in Hitman2 again on the hardest level.

Coye said...

um... but how is that going to get us money?

Strauss said...

Will tickets be general admission? If not, I'd like to have an aisle seat. What region of the country is this wonderful event going to unfold? Have you sold the television rights for wedding coverage?

While you're asking for wedding advice, I'm ignorant. The best that I can tell you is don't get married within a week of Thanksgiving or Christmas if you can avoid it. Your anniversary gets lost in the holiday madness, or that's what my parents tell me (Dec. 28).

Ryan said...

My brother had a nice fall wedding last year in southern Illinois in mid-October--a fall anniversery sounds pleasant to me...

Coye said...

Advice, huh? My only advice is to get your birth control advice from Andy and not from Dave. (Love you, Dave.)

Ryan said...


Coye said...!!! (It's a Tony the Tiger thing.)

Seriously, though, it would be great (grrreat!) to know where the wedding is likely to be. (So I'll know whether I should plan on flying, driving, hitchhiking or having a catapult made to launch me to your nuptuals).

Strauss said...

I'll make the catch net for the catapult. If I'm invited, I'd be more interested in knowing when the wedding will be rather than where. If you had the wedding on the frozen tundra, dogsled could be a fun way to show up. Just a thought.

Coye said...

Do you know what I love about this picture?


Coye said...

And he's even better looking than usual with that rock-laden left hand resting lovingly on his manly chest!