Friday, February 24, 2006

news from Ryan

I've been substitute teaching the past two months and it has been excellent. That is, bad pay, but great experience. It has given me an overview of how Christian education is done in Tyler and particularly how it is done differently by baptists, anglicans, and catholics.

It has been easy to see theologies in action...very easy.

But I am postponing this survey of pedagogues. I am going to become a full-time ESL teacher at one of the schools. Incredibly (to me), there are about 30 international boarding students here and there is even one student from Japan. Most of the others are from Korea or Taiwan and otherwise, 2 Croatians, and 2 Mexicans.

My job will be to help them out of any and all English-related difficulties in their life in America.
It's going to be good. I start Monday.

As a bonus, the school has some connections to Wheaton. The headmaster is from Wheaton. The Wheaton college orchestra visited there recently. And, tell me if you don't think so too, it even looks like Wheaton:


DM said...

Awesome school. What types of students attend there?

Coye said...

hmmm... plenty of red-brick neo-classicism, alright. Is there a poorly functioning fountain in the middle of their quad?

Hey Dave, will you stick this link on the page for me:

Ryan said...

pre-K to 12th grade. The boarding students are from 8th to 12th

Coye said...

Are you going to be residing on campus?

Ryan said...

no, commuting 30min. I could end up doing that...with Steve Hunter if he's interested! For now though my commute may give me opportunity to get the students off campus, which they need.

Coye said...

Are me and Ryan the geographically closest people on the blog?

Strauss said...

The closest regular contributors. Brett Swearingen is registered, and we are less than 10 miles apart, and I know that Dave DeGroot reads this thing occassionally, as he thought I had diabetes for a short time. So technically they would be closest in living proximity as they sleep within 10 feet of each other.

Coye said...

Did anyone happen to notice exactly when "Grady" became "GSP"? Should we interpret this as an attempt to weasel in on the territory of TEFKAMS? Or is he trying to present himself as some sort of satelite based location system? Could he possibly be doing both things at the same time? How do you like this writing style? Would you have guessed that I picked it up from Judith Butler? Would any of you even care, and what would that entail? Does it have anthing to do with TEFKAGrady?

TEFKAMS said...

AAHHH!!! My intellectual territory is protected by international law (except in China)!! I will CRUSH GSP with my army of lawyers (most of whom have sold their souls to me anyway!!)!! This blatant appropriation of the architecture of my thinking cannot be countenanced!!! What’s next??? DNJ?? FCH?? AKS?? AJL?? DNJAJLFCHAKST64EVR??!?!!?!

Coye said...

I object to having my initials violently subsumed into the undifferentiated whole of "DNJAJLFCHAKST64EVR" that then proceeds to verbally attack my good friend Mr. Satan. It's bad enough that both of my senators are republicans; I don't need this, too.

Coye said...

Turning this post back towards Ryan (sort of), I thought that I would ask my fellow Texans (that's the Ryan part, and probably Steve) if they are registered to vote in Texas and if they are voting in the primaries. If the answers are yes and no, respectively, then you should consider signing Kinky Friedman's petition to run as an official independent in the race for governor. Even if you don't particularly agree with his politicas and are planning on voting for someone else (like the moron who currently has the job), I think you should still consider signing the petition. Healthy democracies offer their citizens real choice at the ballot box, and it would be nice to see a canditate outside the two-party hegemon. He believes in crazy things like funding education, which neither party in Texas seems to care much about these days, and will likely bring up a number of issues that candidates in the traditional parties pretend don't exist because it strengthens their status-quo positions of power. (But you can only sign the petition if you haven't voted in the primaries, so, to quote the metaphor-laden catch-prase of the petition campaign, "save yourself for Kinky.")

Dave said...

oh my

Coye said...

speaking of "o my"