Wednesday, February 01, 2006

More than 2 will be interested

Well, here in Japan (not India, not America) I have been cut off from most English language manifestations of one of the means of grace: the preaching of the Word. BUT there is the internet, which can feed me streams of audio from any preacher I can think of (including my home church pastor) and at any time I want. I have been especially drawn to internet sermons and lectures since getting an iPod for my birthday.

One of my favorites is Ravi Zacharias (though he does go a bit heavy on quotes I think). Anyway, I went to his site just now ( and something near the top-left corner of the page caught my eye. Is that? Yes, that is a name I know. Could it be the same one that I knew from Wheaton? A little it IS the same! And now she's working for Ravi Zacharias? That's cool!

(in case they've changed the front page, here)

Maybe some of you already knew this, but it was news to me.


Coye said...

You're really not doing well at predicting interest, Steve. Promise me that you won't play the stock market.

Stephen said...

too late

DM said...

Ha. That is funny! Well, good luck Steve.

Stephen said...

I've made $500 since bush was re-elected

DM said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Coye said...

Um... girls need dowries to get married. Steve would need a bride price.

And $500 is hardly acceptable.

Strauss said...

You don't want to know how much (or little), I made in the markets last year. Well, maybe you do, but I'm not telling. I will say that I am saving up to purchase those bride-price camels. Now, I just need to find the girl.

Coye said...

How much is a pack of camels running these days? $4-$5?

Coye said...

I think that deleting comments in which you stick your foot in your mouth is a party foul.