Monday, January 30, 2006

this will probably shock some of you

Dear friends,

-It's been some time since I last posted anything on the blog. In fact I've even had a few of you contact me to make sure I was o.k. (which I greatly appreciate). I haven't suffered any great calamity or misfortune but I have been extremely busy in the last six months. That's what happens when you're working three part-time jobs and going to school and taking odd gigs and side jobs. But in spite of the crazy schedule I'm still much happier with my life right now than I was when I worked for McDonald's.
-But there is also another reason that I haven't been in contact with any of my friends from Wheaton and that one is much harder for me to write about. In fact this is one of the hardest things that I've ever had to tell anyone, especially you my friends, and is that I'm gay. I've dreaded telling you guys but I think that the time has finally come. I don't know what your reactions will be. I'm not asking any of you to approve or condone my life decisions. I will say that the decision to come out and be gay was not, I repeat, not, a sudden or an easy decision for me and one that I've struggled with for as long as I can remember.
-I will ask this of you though. Please do not write or call me with the intention of arguing or impressing upon me the wrongness and/or sinfulness of my being gay. I grew up, as did many of you, in an extremely conservative, republican, and christian family in addition to being in a conservative, family values minded church. I don't know yet how this is affecting my faith. I'm still working through that myself.
-I've heard a great many arguments on both sides of the gay issue but I've decided that ten years of trying to be someone that I'm not is enough for me. If after reading this any of you still wish to talk to me you can get my info off my profile or from Strauss. Thanks for your love and your friendship.

1 comment:

Coye said...

I admire your courage and openness in this post. I know that, as you said, it was not an easy thing to do and did not come without risks. By sharing this with us, you demonstrated a remarkable degree of honesty, trust and charity. Thank you for showing all of us your love and friendship.