Sunday, January 29, 2006


I couldn't resist puting up a new post when I discovered that my profile broke the 200-view mark. It would appear my egoism knows no bounds.

Happy lunar new year! Congradulations on making a fortune! [as an English-speaker would say today in Hong Kong]


Coye said...

Two questions:

1) Will Dave find my request for a new template written in this comment stream?

2) Will he change the template if he does?

Coye said...


Dave said...

Don't say I never did nothing for the peoples

Dave said...

In response to your continuation of a conversation in one place which appeared in yet another place:

You: Life is neither pain with occasional joy, nor joy with occasional pain. Life is.

Me: How about this (more relational, responsive, human): Life is given. Existance itself marks the boundaries of grace. We who know Christ respond (live) with thanksGIVING.

Coye said...

That reminds me of a great conversation that Marion has with Derrida about whether or not the GIVENness of existence can be considered a GIFTedness. I tend to think it can be. Every moment is gifted to us by the Spirit who sustains all things (if He should remove His hand, nothing would be). The gift that is continually given (do you remember that conversation we had WAY BACK WHEN about existence being like the prodigal son's inheritance while he remained at home?).

"Existence marks the boundaries of grace." I love it!

Dave said...

I can only smell the faint traces of that conversation--

I miss talking with you in person, Coye, we had a lot of great conversations. We should do the phone thing sometime.