Saturday, July 16, 2005

Dusty rollin' in the dough

Dusty, what happened to your site??
Did you sell the domain name for the big bucks??

"This site is currently under contruction If you are looking for Dusty's personal site, it has moved to a folder inside of this site."

This is hilarious.


Andrew said...

Steve, I had exactly the same question last night when Adam hinted that there was some romantical info to be had. I pointed my little web browser over to and found rockin' music, crazy images, and something very corporate. What is the deal?

DM said...

Ummm...actually, will be for future business as it is developed by my bro and me. My new website is a subdomain of, but I didn't want everyone who saw my email addy to just go to and see my personal site. Romantic schmantic.

DM said...

I meant Strauss.

Strauss said...

Good, I'd like to meet her.

Coye said...

so what is the folder inside the site?

Coye said...

and who is this woman who is living all of our dreams?

DM said...

Just email me and I will give you the link.

Stephen said...
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Stephen said...

it wasn't hard to figure out

DM said...

dude, let's not post that link online...

Coye said...

Thanks, Steve, for the link. I emailed Dusty, but he refuses to email me back. I tried, but I didn't think about the /dusty variation. I want pictures of Dusty and his love interest. And details.

Dave said...

why don't you want the link posted online? I mean, it is a WEB-log isn't it? If you don't want random people reading what you write about, why don't you go down to Borders and find yourself a good, old-fashoned notebook and start writing in that??

Adam said...

It has something to do with spammers and such... same reason not to post your email on a website. "They" have big programs that search the web looking for that stuff in order to inundate every living soul with offers of lower insurance, better mortgages, a flat tummy, and additional less savory temptations. Dusty can be as exclusive as he wants with his website, or the details of his personal life, I suppose. Even if we're all thrilled for him and just want to join in his joy by knowing this girl that's stolen his heart!

Dave said...

Hmmm, i've never heard of spammers being able to do something simply by knowing a page address--it's the email which needs encryption; but I really don't know all that much about such things, I s'pose.

but, in actuality, I really don't care about what D does with his website: all I'd love is for Dusty to come back "home," share a e-beer with us, and tell us a bit more about all the high-altitude changes going on in his life.

Coye said...

Wow. Suddenly I really, REALLY wish there really was such a thing as e-beer. I'd love to buy you all a round.

DM said...

dave, a blog can also be used to share info with certain people. I put it into a subfolder so that I could use for other purposes. Just because it's on the internet doesnt mean it's meant for the entire world and search engines. comprende?

DM said...

I would have shown you all the link via email or something, just so you can see my happenings in Iraq. It was still under contruction, and I am still busy adding content.

DM said...
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Dave said...

D: is the young lady in the purple shirt and glasses THE girl?

DM said...
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DM said...
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Dave said...

If I had, what would I have seen?

Dave said...

and what is brett doing these days?

DM said...

Brett is in DC working, and he has a gf.

DM said...

I just had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled. I am in pain, but at least I have the rest of the week off from work, FOR FREE!

Dave said...

I think you should leave us an audioblog with slurpy speech!

DM said...
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Coye said...

Who is Percocet?

DM said...
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