Sunday, May 15, 2005


Hey, I just got back from my sister's graduation at Messiah College today. I have to admit it made me a little nostalgic at times. The commencement blew the commencement of the Wheaton College class of '03s out of the water. If any of you haven't done it recently I encourage you to take stock of how you have or haven't been living your life for Christ since our own graduation. I got reminded that my personal accomplishments since graduation have not necessarily done much for the kingdom. My preaching is done now.

Also, apparently the Christian college world is fairly well linked. In a minivan of 3 Messiah girls other than my sister, driving to a night before graduation celebration. I started getting the inevitable peppering of do you know so and so. I think it's the first time that I was able to say yes to knowing all of them. The names were Tim Mitchell, Kristen Hauber, and Ben Courtemanche. Dave, it took a little prompting, but I managed to get Tara Vanderploeg to admit to knowing you and Sarah. Apparently, you are expecting a baby. I hope all is well in the T6 community, especially you guys in Iraq.


Adam said...

Who was the speaker?

Strauss said...

The speaker's name is Juan Williams. He wrote a book called Eye on the Prize about the civil rights movement, and apparently is on NPR from time to time. Also, I just realized that my original post had some incomplete sentences.

DM said...

Joni gave a really good speach and challenge to Wheaton's class of 2005.

Stephen said...

wow dusty, I am always amazed at how connected you are.

Coye said...

Joni who? Jon Bon Joni? Indiana Joni? Joni Jacob Joniheimerscmidt?

Adam said...

Frederick Coye, your calloused attitude toward the physically handicapped is appalling. Shame on you. (But I did smile at the Joniheimerscmidt line.)

Strauss said...

Dusty, why aren't you volunteering with the alumni association?

Coye said...


DM said...

Coye said...

Ah, yes... "feet first the first time" Joni. I remember her from when I was six or seven; because of her, I have never dived into a lake.

Dave said...

hmmm, was Tara trying not to admit she knew me? and, yes, I am having a child in about a month. I'm surprised you didn't know that!

Perhaps you also don't know that I'm currently in Vermont, and I'm moving to Hamilton, MA in a few days. crazy stuff.

Coye said...

Hey Davey, any names for the baby?

Dave said...


Strauss said...


Tara was not trying to hide the fact that she knew you. She just was much quicker to ask if I knew Ben. As for the baby, yes I knew. I have contributed to the naming conversations. I was just commenting on how Tara told me about the baby, assuming that I did not know.