Saturday, March 05, 2005

so it begins

Oh, boy. I was roused from sleep today by a phone call from a representative of Boston College's English department. He was calling to inform me that I am on the waiting list for PhD adsmission and funding and that in a few weeks they should have a good idea about my odds of getting into BC. So begins the agonizing part of waiting. I'm sure that Andy can vouch for me on this: while doing the applications is hell, you really don't feel the pressure of waiting for them from the time you drop the last one in the mailbox until it's time to hear back from the programs. January and February are actually a nice break from anxiety. Once that first school replies, though, the game is back in full swing and everyday brings the expectation of those painfully thin envelopes and a sliver of hope for a fat, juicy fellowship.


Strauss said...

Coye, I can definitely relate. I hope that you get what you want. And good things can come regardless of how a waiting list falls out. If you wind up going to BC be sure to let me know. I'll visit you some time when I am home to see my folks. Also, I could give you there number in case you ever find yourself in need of something when you first get there and don't know anybody.

Do you follow college basketball? BC is looking good this year.

Dave said...

Plus, I'll be in Boston!

Coye said...

You got into Gordon?!?

Dave said...

oh, yeah, right. Yes. I suppose it is time for another update here, huh?

Coye said...

I have been offered admission at the University of Texas in Austin, and they are currently working on being able to fund me. Whippee!