Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Right with God - Christians in DC

I'd be interested in hearing what some of you think of this article if you are willing to take the time to read it, preferably before reading comments, if any occur. I definitely know the sub-culture that they were writing about. (And if anyone is wondering, the Jeff Hassler in this article is the Jeff Hassler that we went to school with.)
Right With God
Evangelical Conservatives Find a Spiritual Home on the Hill
By Hanna Rosin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 6, 2005; Page D01

Lyric Hassler talks about her Christian rock phase the way some of us talk about crushes on Sean Cassidy, or acid-wash jeans, or the hundreds of hours we wasted memorizing Pink Floyd lyrics. "Uchhhhhh, embarrassing," she says. The gaudy soundtrack of the "Christian ghetto" she lived in as a teenager. Lyric the high school "Jesus freak," chastising her church youth group for wasting time on frivolous pizza parties, ignoring any TV that wasn't "The 700 Club."
"It just makes me wince," she says now that her ghetto self is long gone, now that she's made it here, to Washington, to the languid Friday afternoon tea time in a congressional cafeteria, to her starched white blouse and a stint on the presidential campaign and a husband who works in the Senate, to a salon of what she calls "Christian intellectuals."

click here to read more


Stephen said...

i like it

Stephen said...

i don't like it

Stephen said...

(can you hear Dr. Walford's voice)

Coye said...

[precomment] I think that you should, perhaps, remove the full text article and leave just the link to it. 1) It is a really long, bulky piece and takes a LONG TIME to scroll through, and 2) I don't think that it is technically legal to put full text from a newspaper article on your blog. Short excerpts are usually considered acceptable (if cited), but I'm pretty sure what's up right now constitutes copywrite infringement.

Coye said...

I think that a lot of us have stories that could have fit perfectly in the article. Maybe we should send out synopses of our "evangelical lives" to newspapers and see if anyone wants to use one of us for a similar piece. Andy's in the acadamy, Strauss and a few others are in Washington, Dave's been doing parachurch research and stuff, Dusty and Adam are military: we've got a good 5 or 6 newspaper articles right there (and maybe a magazine or two). Does anyone know if Diane Knippers is associated with Wheaton? I only ask because they sandwiched her name in between Gerson and Noll... yet another reason they should write about us: we segway nicely into the AP's new-found Wheaton obsession.

Coye said...

[postcomment] Actually, I just checked the Washington Post site, and, yes, this is illegal. Wee, we're breaking the law!

Coye said...

So, for some reason the NYT hasn't yet called and offered me an obscene amount of money for an exclusive interview. Is it you, Stephen, are they all trying to talk to you?!?!

Strauss said...

I never meant to be a criminal.