Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Big Board

I got some great news yesterday in the I-want-my-PhD category: the English department from the University of Texas at Austin sent me an email informing me that I will be offered admission for the fall and they are currently trying to get a funding package together for me! I still haven't heard from the other schools (it's hard to count the wait list at Boston as hearing from them since I still don't know if I'm in or out), so I don't know exactly WHERE I'll be next year, but I do know that I WILL BE IN GRAD SCHOOL somewhere! Needless to say, I'm now breathing much easier than I was a couple of days ago. So, for those of you who enjoy following my future plans or who have placed bets on what schools will reject me, I offer (in no particular order) this comprehensive list of my admissions status:

University of Pennsylvania: admission: NO
Columbia University: admission: NO [weeping and gnashing of teeth]
University of Texas: admission: YES; funding: 6+ years of TA and AI funding; Response: I'm going to UT in August!
Indiana University: admission: YES; funding: full after 1st year; Response: I turned down the offer.
Boston College: admission: Waiting list; funding: waiting list; Response: I took myself off the list.
University of Notre Dame: admission: NO [HA! who cares!]

I will update the Big Board as my status at each school changes.


Andrew said...

Congratulations, Coye. It's about time someone snatched you up. It remains to be seen, I suppose, whether my department will see the light.

TEFKAMS said...

But, as that venerable philosopher Cuba Gooding Jr. said so long ago... "Show me the money!"

TEFKAMS said...


Andrew said...

Wait a minute... I just refreshed the page to find that my department has gotten their acts together and given you admission and dollars. Congrats again.

Dave said...

Congratulations! While your waiting for more glory, can you feed the blog?

Coye said...

I bought some plane tickets today so I can do a crazy one-week trip to visit UT and IU the first full week of April. One benefit of the trip is I also get to visit with my favorite Logemann's in the whole world; I will also do an on-site survey of the damage inflicted on their domicile by the attack of the Jones spawns. Still no more letters, though, with barely three weeks before my April 15th decision deadline. Too much drama. In a good way.

Davey, if you want to keep that conversation going, let's do it under the Uncle Wystan II post since it already has links to both former posts (and it has to do with artists qua artist, which you seem to have a quarrel with).

Strauss said...

Congratulations, Coye! I know that waiting for responses is not fun. Any more updates?

Coye said...

Thanks, Strauss. Everything is up to date on the Big Board; I'm finalizing some details for my double-program visit.

Andrew said...

Mendelson has no idea what a devoted,, student, yeah, student, he is missing out on. But, we can probably network through Jacobs to get him to review your first book or something...

Coye said...

Yep. Hey, in other midwest university news, Josh has decided to start his history grad study at UI-CU this fall. I guess that's about 2 or 3 hours from Bloomington.

I've made contact with people in both departments, so my trip plans should be moving towards finalization.