Friday, December 24, 2004


What should Davey call his baby?


Coye said...

Ok. For a girl, I like the name "Dayspring" both because it sounds nice and I really like the only Dayspring I've ever met. For a boy, "Emmanuel"; you have to say this one out loud to get the full effect: "Emmanuel Jones". It's perfect-- it has this gentle, creative tone, but it still sounds like he could meet you out back and take care of business if necessary. And they're both Christological in a non-intrusive kind of way, which is nice...

Stephen said...

Just a quick Hebrew check:
Does Emmanuel mean 'God is with us', or simply 'God with us'? If it's the former, then it's one of those great statement-about-God names. If it's the latter, it would appear to be a claim of deity, which is kind of intrusive (yet admittedly suggestive of a man who can take care of business in the back alley, and I ain't talking about urinating).

Josh Hoisington said...


Strauss said...

The question mark random name generator gave me Matthew Isaachar Jones. I guess that settles it, but if it is a girl, I really like the name Dayspring (not in jest). Coye may be on to something.

Also, I'm about 85% sure that Emmanuel means "God with Us" rather than "God is with us."

Adam said...

I don't know about Dayspring - I like it, but... too hippie. Remember we're talking about a conservative New England family here. What about Carolyn? Carolyn Jones! And for you hippie-lovers, spell it with a K.

Strauss said...

Vermont is hippie homeland. Go Jesus People!

Josh Hoisington said...


Stephen said...

How about Emmanuel Lummy Jones.
lummy or glubby. good, strong, glorbulous middle names.

DM said...

I would like to see something from the Wild West. How about something such as Wyatt Jones or Morgan Jones?

Coye said...

Well, Adam, I have my doubts about Dave fitting the "conservative New England" label, but if you must have a mainstream name, we can do better than Carolyn. I think Katherine or Emily are much better, and I know that Kate and Em are a lot better than Carol. I still think "Dayspring" is the way to go, but maybe something like "Emily Dayspring Jones". And it's a scientifically proven fact that people who go by their middle names are better human beings. Unless that name happens to be glorbulous. Oh, and here's one for Dusty: Jesse James Jones. I'm kidding, of course.

Andrew said...

I would like to read the studies that prove that, Coye. Kindly cite them for the group..... We're waiting...

Kyle W. said...

i'm a fan of Mephibosheth. works great as a guy or a girl, even though it is originally a guy's name. but in this day and age, who cares!? and you can call the kid M. Jones. i just like the sound of that.

Dave said...

Andy, actually, Coye does have scientific back-up here. I know, I was incredulous at first too, but after some research I snagged this article that I have posted on my site at
Check it out!

Originally it was found on the South Bend Tribune website:

Andrew said...

Dave, this is outstanding research. Perhaps we could get Dr. Kaos to guest-contribute to the blog...

Dave said...

I know. Sarah and I are actually thinking of naming our son or daughter Doctor Kaos Jones after this amazing man of letters.

Coye said...

And you doubted me, Andy. Shame, shame. You know that I'm a serious academic and wouldn't dream of straying from textual evidence.

"Doctor Kaos Jones": that has potential...

Dave said...

refer to picture of the L's former domicile. . .:)