Thursday, December 23, 2004


I just spent the last 45 minutes catching up in our newly refurbished Room 611... and first, I have to say that too many of you are showing off. Andy Logemann, where did you learn all those big words? Dave, what's up with the clandestine birth announcement? Proclaim it from the rooftops, man! Andy S. and Coye, why must you rub my face in my non-doctorate involving educational future?

Actually, I need to tell you that I've never laughed out loud so many times while sitting in our battlefield Internet room. I love this and wish I could read it more often. Alas, but I am fighting a war.

Feel guilty now that you have a little perspective? Well, don't! No, really, life isn't bad here. It is hard to find more than 30 minutes on the computer, and it is hard not having contact with friends, but this is almost the next best thing. I have missed this kind of fellowship more than I can say, so it was an incredible blessings to sit in and laugh with and love all you beautiful men. Hope I can do it more often.

Okay, now get out of my room. I have ROTC in the morning :-)


Josh Hoisington said...

Adam, I always think of you when reading Iraq-related headlines in the papers here. You're my "human face" of our troops, for sure.

Stephen said...

Hey you made it back to 611! Hey. And Merry Christmas, and thanks for the souveneieeir (sp?).
btw, did you get our box of Pockys?

DM said...

Merry Christmas Adam! Next year it will be me that is stuck over there.

Coye said...

Merry Christmas, Adam!!! It is great to hear from you. Lest you think I've been boasting, I got rejected from 9 different grad programs last year. Rejected! (rejection: something I don't remember you having a lot of problems with...) Anyways, we love you, too, Adam, and, to keep the record straight, you're the beautiful man. And Merry Christmas to everyone else, too. The sun of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. aDios

Strauss said...

Adam, what Coye said goes for me, too. I got rejected by everywhere that I applied. I was just foolish enough to enter a career field where there are few good jobs with just a bachelor's, so I either have to settle for boring statistic compilation jobs, switch fields, or trick somebody into accepting me into their PhD program. Merry Christmas to you and everyone else.