Friday, December 17, 2004

Hit List, Who should be on it?

I still like the idea of a hit list, but I guess we should determine who is eligible before people start using it.


T6ers still unreached by this blog. If you can think of someone who needs to be added to this list, do it. If you know the email of someone on the list, contact them.

Mark Sheerin
Nate Calendar
Aaron Chaney
Steve Lambert
James Gilbert


Dave said...

See, I'm torn about how wide to make this net--because the wider we make it, the more people don't know each other (for example, Coy has no idea who Lambert is), so I thought the best thing was to invite those who had been on the floor starting 1999 and 2000. What do you guys think?

Ryan said...

I think Coy and Lambert should get to know one another.

DM said...

I'll try and track down Sam. I just saw him up at Wheaton where he is one of the managers at the Bookstore.

Coye said...

I love that Dave still doesn't know how to spell my name, even though it is conveniently located on the left side of the screen directly above his. LOVE YOU DAV!

Strauss said...

Dave, The decision should be yours.

Personally, I miss hearing from the 1999-2000 T6ers who were class of '02 just as much as hearing from the 2000-2001 T6ers from the class of '04, and I suspect that I am not the only one who spans both years who feels that way.

To me exluding the likes of Hank Shuffle and Seth, Brad and Nate, Aaron Chaney, Mark Sheerin, and Steve Lambert denies part of what made T6 a place that so many of us 99ers wanted to return as a group. I don't think offering to include them would damage the site. They might post stuff to which the 00 Freshman rarely comment and vice versa, but I don't think that would hurt the site anywhere near as much as it would enhance it for the people of our class.

Coye said...

Seriously though, I think Dave has a point. I would love to get David Chambers and Joel Duncan and Logan Quan (who actually lived in 611) and a bunch of guys who were on the floor when Dave was RA, but none of you would know them and the blog would become less pointedly interesting. Not to mention the gap between them and the 1998 guys. It sucks to leave people out, but there are also advantages to a slightly more limited group. On a somewhat related note, I talked to Rudy last night and I've been emailing some other guys so hopefully I won't be the only 2000 in here for much longer.

Dave said...

It's fine with me either way. I don't really have strong oppinions on the matter. I'll invite anyone whose email address anyone sends me (so long as they lived on T6)- and I'll just let the group self select. I mean, if people start wanting smaller groups, they can always start another one of these. There're free, easy to start and did I mention they're free.

KQuoyee, Dude, sorry It'll never happen again!

Strauss said...

Coye, good perspective. Adding a handful of people from some other year doesn't hurt, but doing that with several years would make the sight worse for everyone. As much I would like to see some guys welcome, I suspect that Coye's view should win out.

Cue the TV music...
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
And they're always glad you came;
You want to be where you can see,
Our troubles are all the same;
You want to be where everybody knows your name.

DM said...

I agree with Dave and Coye.

Coye said...

Is this a "hit list" like a "we're killing people" kind of "hit" or a list of number ones like a top-40 radio kind of "hit". Because if we're just bumping people off, then I think the more the merrier. Let's start with Dusty!

Stephen said...

Coye, are you suggesting an international game of 'assassins'?

Coye said...

Either that, or a game of "international assassins"

Dave said...

I just got a call from the Homeland Security Department. . .

Strauss said...

Does the government want to hire our services?

Coye said...

yeah, they want us to warm some cells in Guantanamo Bay

Strauss said...

We should send our elite Half Life/Counterstrike squad.