Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Coye's first posting

Well well well, Dave finally found something that will get me to try my hand at the infamous web-log. I think it's a pretty great idea, too, so hopefully a lot of the fellas will use it. A quick catch-up is probably in order since I haven't really talked to many of you in the last year, so here goes:

I graduated in May and spent the summer working for Wheaton's English department in England in Scotland. Yes, that's right, the college paid me to go to Britain for the summer. He, he, he. After that I spent a little time in Chicago-- just a few weeks, really-- then came back to Amarillo, Texas for a while. I've been doing odd little jobs-- painting, editing a popular medicine book, etc-- and working on applications for graduate school. Since none of the schools I applied to last year really wanted me, I am at it again, but I have just about finished with all the applications. (Glory! [pronounced "gll...Ory"]) As Andy knows, I won't hear anything from the schools until March or April, so that's a lot of fun. I should be starting a real job pretty soon. I think I have a spot lined up teaching developmental English at the community college for the spring semester, so that could actually be a really good gig.
So that's about it. I'm living in Amarillo, trying to be a good Episcopalian, running out of money and drinking fine Irish Whisky.

You know what would add a lot to this site? If we could all watch Kenshin or Neon Genesis together. But that's just silly, really. I look forward to hearing from the rest of you. And thanks, Dave, for setting this up (although "609 Online" would have been even cooler). aDios


Dave said...

Besides IU, to which schools are you applying?

Coye said...

I am applying to Indiana (where Logemann is), Notre Dame, U of Texas in Austin, U of Pennsylvania in Philly, Boston College, and Columbia in NYC.

Ryan said...

being an Episcopalian is rough these days.