Sunday, August 03, 2008

Newbie on the Floor

Since no one's adding any recent posts, I decided to have a major life event so I could report it. Another addition to the T6 family! I hope some of you will be coming to the Wheaton reunion in October so you can meet her. Elena Michelle Morehouse was born on Thursday morning, July 31st, and she was 7lbs 14oz, 19in. Rachel did an incredible job of delivering our baby, and Elena has been a joy. She had some difficulty with fluid in her lungs for the first hour or so, but she coughed all that up and has been doing beautifully ever since. It definitely feels like an alien invader has intruded upon our home, and I sort of wonder who decided that we were responsible enough to take care of her, but we're doing it. As each day goes by, I become a little more familiar with Elena and she starts to seem like a part of the family. More photos at


Andrew said...

Congratulations! Oh yeah, I had two kids, too. I guess I should post something about that sometime.

Josh Hoisington said...

Wow, wonderful, Adam. And Andy.

That's amazing that you simply willed a major life event so as to have material to post about here. I shall attempt to do likewise...

Dave said...

Awesome! Can't wait to meet.

BTW, we're expecting number three!

Josh Hoisington said...

Number three, eh, Dave? Wow. Thy progeny shall be multitudes, I guess. How many T6/1999&2000-offspring are there now in toto? Forty?

Strauss said...

Congrats, Adam and Rachel!