Tuesday, July 22, 2008

DC people:

Any of you guys in DC, please pull some strings to get me a job there, preferably lucrative but whatever will do. My qualifictions are that I'm a genius.



Strauss said...

Fun location choice. I am now in Chicago, and I know Brett, Dave, and Luke do not keep up with this blog anymore. Want me to email them for you? Sorry that I didn't have time to catch you after the Grand Rapids wedding that I went to. I know from experience that it's kind of annoying to ask for this specification, but what kind of work are you looking for? At one point, Ben Barnes was working as an apartment manager in Adams Morgan (DC neighborhood, known for good nightlife). I don't know how he got that gig.

Josh Hoisington said...

Hey Strauss, don't worry about missing me up here, I was in and out of town a bit anyway, funnily enough, in Chicago mostly.

Pretty much I just want to live somewhere else, I get tired of being in the same place for too long, and DC seems interesting and I know people there.

I'm just looking for a job that's mental rather than manual labor...that's about it, but I don't have any qualifications, other than that whole genius thing, plus being a former pseudo-employee of the Beach Boys.

I guess I'd just appreciate people keeping their eyes out for something.

Coye, if you read this, I'd like to live in Austin at some point in my life also.