Monday, May 05, 2008

Progeny-less Update (Life in Austin)

It's been awhile since we've had a personal update that didn't involve offspring. Here goes.

I am currently (this week) finishing up my last semester of course work. Beginning this summer, I will be working full-time on developing my prospectus and composing that magical document, the dissertation. I may have more to say about this later, but, for now, in short, I will be writing about the troubled relationships between seemingly mimetic works of art and "unrepresentable" historical violence (World War, Holocaust, the Bomb, the WTC attacks).

I spent the last four days at the 2008 International Narrative Conference. I have been working off and on for about a year as conference staff, and I chaired a couple of panels over the weekend (and attended what seems like hundreds). I heard some great panels, met some academic heros (and got a couple of business cards), but what was most impressive was seeing the "invisible acadamy" made at least temporarily visible. It made the direction of my life seem less obscure and evanescent.

I continue to teach, and am looking forward to teaching a course of my own creation in the fall. It will be, perhaps unsurprisingly, a course on violence.

I've been watching a lot of Top Chef on Bravo (my one televised guilty pleasure) and cooking quasi-elaborate meals whenever time and budget allow (and sometimes when they don't). My exercise regimine has slacked off, but I'm hoping to change that with the return of Friday basketball over the summer. Hopefully I can get back to regular running as well (I can feel my legs crying out for a good run even as I type).

The life-long pursuit of good coffee and good beer continues, as does a very rewarding playing at domestic bliss. The heat and humidity of an Austin summer are beginning to creep into the background of the everyday, and I'm trying (not terribly sucessfully) to ignore the democratic primary. I'm still at the same parish, doing the same sorts of parish-y things.

Alright. Back to writing about Civil War photography. Be well, my friends.


Josh Hoisington said...

Do you wear a tuxedo when you play basketball?

Thanks for this. Always interesting to hear what people are up to.

I'm really attracted to Austin and I've thought about trying to live in Texas for a while sometime.

Coye said...

No. No formal-wear on the hardwood.

I sometimes think of my two-footed, studs-up, no-ball, from-behind, in-the-box slide tackle, and I smile. It was all in the power of the tux-- how do you red card someone dressed that well?

I'd love to hear a little more of what you've been up to, Aeijtzsche. Or anyone else that has time to write. Even a quick note between baby things.

Dave said...

Coye, Aeijzsche has a great blog of his own should check it out.

Josh Hoisington said...

Thanks, Dave.

Yeah, if you click on my name and go to the quasi-eponymous blog listing, you'll learn more than you wanted to know about me, and what I haven't been up to.