Monday, May 19, 2008

I'll up YOUR date

Despite the running commentary of my own personal blog, I have no way to know who is reading it, so I thought I'd try to keep the freight train moving through 611 Online Depot here by revealing a personal update™ of my own.

Unfortunately enough, nothing really "happens" to me, as I am still unemployed, virtually friendless, and an eccentric recluse.

I am starting to try to put together some plans to move forward, though, so I thought I'd run them by you, as you're all highly intelligent people with perspective on many things.

As you may know from my blog or other updates here, I've found myself at odds with the general customs of adult life in the western world. The idea of changing myself to fit in to a job is not appealing, so I'm trying to figure out how to design a income-generating lifestyle that suits me the way I am.

I've done some research and one thing that seems to be promising would be to create multiple free-lance sort of income/profit-centers that involve my interests and passions.

So for instance, at any given time I could:

Be selling articles to publications...
Be Licensing my music compositions to companies...
Do consultant work on music projects involving LA groups in the mid-60s, particularly the Beach Boys...
Design clothing...
Be a landlord of some rental property...
Own a restaurant...


The idea is, if you have enough little enterprises, money trickling in from the different things, it will add up to be a real income. And then I wouldn't get bored and would be doing things I like that I might not be able to make a career out of by themselves.

Anybody have any thoughts, practical advice, on this?

And of course, I'm constantly looking to get out of Bland Crapids, Pissigan. Yes, people here call it that.


Strauss said...

I know we were never particularly close but I may be up in Grand Rapids one weekend in July. Would you be interested in crossing paths?

It sounds like you should be doing something entrepreneurial. I don't have a lot of great ideas. If I ever start a youth hostel, I'll keep you in mind. Actually, come to think of it, have you ever considered running one. The job doesn't pay particularly well, but I think you might like it.

Josh Hoisington said...

I'd enjoy crossing paths. Remind me a little closer to when you'd be coming and I'll see if for some reason I wouldn't be here, otherwise, we should at least have dinner or something.

Strauss said...

sounds good