Sunday, February 03, 2008

Evangelicals in the NYT

I just read an interesting op-ed by Nicholas Kristof in the Times about the changing shape of evangelical politics. I have to say I took some hope from this. Some of it I knew already, but I was surprised to see what topped the list of "issues" in the CBS poll.


1 comment:

Strauss said...

Yeah, I'm good with being pro life, but it's satisfying to see Evangelicals recognizing that other issues matter, too. I have a strong dislike for Pat Robertson and to a lesser extend Jerry Falwell, because they seemed to abandon basic aspects of Jesus's teaching such as love and compassion for the poor and "sinners" in order to form a political alliance with fiscal conservatives. Based on my experience talking with Republican Christians, some (but not all) seem brainwashed into believing that the Republican party is God's party in America, and therefore, all aspects of its platform must have the moral high ground. Scary!