Monday, January 14, 2008

The reminder

Since we're kind of content-starved here, I thought I'd take this opportunity to self promote again by hyping my spectacular Blog Aeijtzsche pronounced "H"

If you were a fan of, say, Aeijtzsche & H Hitt Facktoreeee, you may be pleased to learn that I've been posting quite a few songs of my own composition on this blog, that are closer in spirit to that than anything I've done for a while.

I'm writing a musical of sorts, so most of the songs are parts of a story. But there are stand alone songs too. Steve Hunter, if you're reading this, I wish you were here to input your 2 cents and provide your patience for the minutia of programming and sequencing and such.

It's also a very confessional blog, so if you like reading about skeletons in people's closets, my blog is for you.

Anyway, I really do desperately want attention, so I feel the need to overpromote my blog. Forgive me. Or better yet, become a regular reader of the blog and comment a lot so I feel important!


1 comment:

Andrew said...

As if he needed any more promotion, I have to say that Aeijtzsche's blog is really great. Where else can you get reflections on pop culture consumption, painfully honest explorations of the human condition, and excerpts from a developing indie musical? I know you're probably really busy reading and posting to our blog, but if you can find the time, give Aeijtzsche some love. And attention! Lots and lots of attention.