Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dmitri's choice

Here is a link to an article on Slate about Vladimir Nabokov's final manuscript... and whether or not his son will burn it according to his father's final wishes.

Dmitri's Choice

A sample:
"Here is your chance to weigh in on one of the most troubling dilemmas in contemporary literary culture. I know I'm hopelessly conflicted about it. It's the question of whether the last unpublished work of Vladimir Nabokov, which is now reposing unread in a Swiss bank vault, should be destroyed—as Nabokov explicitly requested before he died."


Strauss said...

Brett, DeGroot, and I were talking about this one today. I believe Brett's best line was. "I mean, I know he's dead, but how can you disobey your dead?" Rebellion runs strong in the Swearingen genes. All that to say; kind of cool that the same topics are bubbling up among various writers of our blog. We didn't really have anything profound to say other than that the son has a hard decision to make. I don't know what
I'd do in his shoes. I figure the piece must have some worthiness to survive since no one has had the needed conviction to destroy it as requested.

Strauss said...

Whoops, "disobey your father," not "disobey your dead"

Josh Hoisington said...

Tough, tough.

I'd keep it unburned. Not necessarily release it, but definitely not annihilate it.

Dave said...

I like the play on words, though: dead sort of sounds like dad.