Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hey everyone

I'm currently spending the month in the great state of Louisiana,
flying and doing other things while support an infantry combat brigade
as they go through combat validation at Jrtc. I gave in to Jobs and
purchased an apple iPhone, something that I will admit was definitely
worth it! I'm still enjoying army life. I still live in TN. On Nov 6
I will be having my jaw surgery and will have a somewhat different
looking face. I will be spending that month at home. My mom will be
flying up to make sure I'm ok for the first week or so. I can't wait
to get these braces off though.


Andrew said...

It's great to hear from you, Dusty! Maybe I'm just out of the loop, but I can't remember you telling us what happened to your jaw. Hope all is well.

Coye said...

Dusty! Not that I'm going to argue with anything that changes the look of your ugly mug, but I, like Andy, am curious as to what your surgery is for. Glad your enjoying army life (glad your enjoying it stateside). Out of curiosity, does the iphone come with a tshirt that says "I am Steve Jobs's [ ]"?

Strauss said...

Dusty, my commute would be less bearable with out my iPod. I can relate. Apple's overpriced, but the stuff is good.

So are you going to give more details about the jaw, or do we have to have a story contest where the most popular story gets submitted to the Wheaton Alumni magazine? I hope you aren't in pain.

Coye said...

can the stories have letter-cards?

Andrew said...

OK, I'll start. Fill in the details as your are able, and we'll piece this story together wiki style. After all, we've learned from wikipedia that the only truth that matters is the one we can all agree on. So, let's agree together on what happened to our friend Dusty.

One fine summer day, Cpt. Dusty strapped himself into his Blackhawk and prepared to embark on a top secret mission for a shadowy organization within the US government. As his helicopter rose into the brilliant Tennessee dawn, he contemplated...

Strauss said...

dating a Democrat. Thinking about the absurd usually calmed his nerves, but not this time. This mission would require...

Coye said...

his utmost concentration. Sorry, girls, maybe next time. Daddy's gotta focus on the mission. As his helicopter levelled off and began to swing forward, Dusty checked his intrument panel and reminded himself...

Andrew said...

that the truth about the alliance between the Masons and the Skull and Bones Society, and their role in shaping the geneology of American politics to best serve their own needs, could not be allow to come out. The security of the Homeland was in his hands. All he had to do was…

Coye said...

not do what he did last time. Boy, that was a disaster. Who would have thought that such a... but now is not the time to get distracted. Especially by that! This is serious. The big time. The secret. Ah, yes, the secret. It was a cruel twist of fate (and a love of glazed donuts) that accidentally revealed the secret to Dusty (or was it an accident?). Now, since he knew what they knew, or since they thought he knew what they knew, Dusty was the one who got the call when the secret was at risk. Mmm. A donut would be good about now. Focus. focus. At least there were no alpacas involved this time-- no, not that, not now. This time it was more simple. Almost easy. Almost too easy. Could it be a set up? Why not? He was only safe as long as he was useful, and after New Mexico... well, best to stay alert, anyways. Focused. I know. I'll put a little music on the iphone. Let's see... bingo. Exactly the song I need right now. Nothing gets me ready for a secret mission like...

Strauss said...

"Thunder! Nhu-u-u-u-u-u-u-ah. Thunder! I was..."

DM said...

I have an underbite. This will fix it. My lower jaw will be broken and brought inward and my upper jaw will be brought out more. The doc is going to do something with my cheekbones as well. Fun stuff!

Coye said...

um... ouch.

Keep us up to date with how you're doing.

(maybe you could get a cute democrat to nurse you back to health when mom goes home)

DM said...

I'm currently chilling out in my hospital bed for day 2. The surgery went well and there have been some significant changes to my face. The pain has been very bad. Last night I was wondering how I was going to survive the night. It is hard to breathe with my jaws wired shut. I had one panic attack when I threw up and was choking on it because I couldn't open mouth. I just want to go home. Thanks for your prayers!

Dave said...

I am praying for you.

Josh Hoisington said...

I feel for you, Dusty. When I had my appendix burst last year and had it removed, recovery was difficult. I had my own set of medical issues, of course, but I can relate to the pain, long nights, and I had some panicked moments as well.

Hope you feel better.