Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dave Update #1423

First a few words from Andrew at this exact moment in time:

"Is this a camel Daddy?" "I fix it"
Mom [walking in with Isaac]: "Flying naked baby! ... Wow! Did you draw something on here Dave?"
"Yeah, I drew a camel."
"Wow, he's coloring it in exactly."

Nice. My boy's got skills. Earlier this week he actually drew a recognizable face inside the circle I had drawn for him. Two eyes, a mouth, two ears, and a neck. He can count to fifteen (on a good day), say the ABCs, and, of course, translate the majority of Cicero into the most beautiful of French.

What does that have to do with the fact that we are about to go and find out if we are going to be able to buy a house? I'm glad you asked. Absolutely nothing. But yes, we are just about to leave to witness a little town lottery for a low income housing option that is selling six units in a new Hamilton townhouse development for under a third of the regular price. I'll let you know.

And yes, the rumors are true; I'm leaving here a semester early (with just one M.A., not two) so that I can start web-programming full time. Who'da thunk? But there it is. Maybe Logemann's close behind! Some day we'll start our own little online education mecca. Coye, you in? No? Shoot. Well, you can at least have a regular Fishesque column.

I just noticed that little "add video" icon up there. Man, am I behind the times or what? These days, I have to rely on Andy to keep me up to date on all the technological news. I mean, I'm a web developer now, not a tech-nerd like the rest of you.

Well, that's about all I have time for. Nice chatting. For those of you hiding in the bushes [I can see you on Google analytics!] come out and tell us what's happening; otherwise we'll keep forgetting about each other. And it is good to remember each other. And, it would be good to talk from time to time : )


Dave said...

Lottery Results:
Local Pool, for which there are four units available: we came in 9th out of 26.

Extended pool, for which there are two units available: we came in 6th out of 90ish.

We will not find out for another couple of days if this placement is going to land us an opportunity to purchase. We know that preference (for these three bedroom units) goes to families of four (in that they will skip over higher-ranked applicants representing one to three person households); so it seems we have a pretty good chance. Will update as we know.

Coye said...

I understand your excitement at Andrew's preternatural artistic abilities, but don't you think you should also be a LITTLE impressed that Isaac can fly when he's naked? I mean, I've tried that countless times, and I've barely ever been able to fly at all.

Dave said...

we are currently 1st on the extended pool waiting list; 2nd on the local pool waiting list.

oh, BTW, I finished my first full-scale website: www.maveriklacrosse.com