Saturday, September 01, 2007

Oh, September

I thought I'd give you fellas a personal update before the craziness that will be my fall semester totally subsumes my life. Unlike the midwest, September in Austin is still very much the summer, so this will be a quick, sweaty email sent from deep in the heart of Texas.

I started teaching a new class in a new department this week. I think it will be good and rewarding, but it's going to be a hell of a lot of work. [profanity used advisedly] I'm sort of writing the syllabus as I go along, so there's a certain seat of the pants uneasiness that I'm trying to turn into some sort of thrilling ride. I'll let you know how things go on that front.

I met two girls this week. Well, one I had chatted up several months ago and then lost track of, and she turned up again when I went for a drink with a friend of mine. The other I'd been wanting to talk to at cafe I frequent, and she showed up at a random party that another friend's roommate talked us into going to. Anyways, I guess I'm pulling that whole resilient, "get back on the horse" thing. It's either very brave or very stupid... but you've gotta try, right?

I also moved into a house with a roommate, so my old address is bad and you'll need to get my new one from me if you need it. Redundant, I know. I'd like to leave you all by pointing out that my city is better than everywhere the rest of you live, so you might as well come visit me. But not on September 17th: I'll be watching Bob Dylan play in Zilker Park that night. Bon nuit.


Coye said...

brave. I'm definitely going to have to go with brave. yay, resilience!

Andrew said...

Coye, thanks for the update. The Germans have a great word for the kind of teaching you're doing: Schwellenleistung, which is a compound of "threshold" and "performance." The sense of it is similar to "winging it" or "seat of the pants" in English, but even more precise (as you'd expect from the Germans)--as you cross the threshold of the classroom, you formulate the lesson for the day.

Hope all is well on the romantic front: brave and resilient is just the right tone to set, I think. Only in retrospect can one judge whether bravery was actually rank stupidity--and situations such as this have something of both, generally.

If you have any messages for me, incidentally, you can give them to Dylan. He'll be playing in Bloomington on October 19th, not long after his gig in your fair city. He'd like nothing better than to make himself into a medium of communication between to friends.

As a wise man once said: The medium is the message.

Keep the faith.