Sunday, August 12, 2007

New city. New job?

Hi everyone (Dave, Coye, Andy, and anybody else who still reads this thing),

How is everybody? I'm breaking radio silence, because I now have a job offer in the Chicago area. And I would like prayer as to whether or not I should take it. For those of you not aware of the situation. My job in DC ends this upcoming Friday, and I'm moving to Chicago whether I have a job to start or not. I have not been as active in job searching as I wish I would have been, yet I have a job offer from a firm that does fixed-income investment software. The job sounds fairly interesting, but I'm not sure what my next step career-wise would be if I ever left it, and the commute would be over an hour long if I want to live close to Kari (my girlfriend), which is the biggest tangible reason that I'm moving out there. Prayers for wisdom, guidance, and a sense of God's will is appreciated. I'm thinking that I should maybe hold out for something more econ related with a shorter commute, but I'm unsure.


1 comment:

Coye said...

Hey Strauss,

good to hear from you. Sorry that the job situation is presently vexing, but I'm a little jealous of you moving back up to Chicago. I really love that city. (I really love Austin, too, so I won't be too insanely covetous.) I'm sure that you will make a wise and informed decision that has very livable results. And it will work out. Even if you have a false start, it will be fine. Peace.