Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy Birthday, Steve!

Happy Birthday, Stephen!

As you creep ever closer to your late twenties, keep in mind some of the people who died at twenty-seven (Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain) and get everything you can out of twenty-six. Suck life from the marrow bones.

Sake wa doko desko.

and then there's this...


Coye said...

I just realized that Steve hasn't switched over yet. I want Steve! I want Steve! I want Steve...

Dave said...

I wonder if he can't from Japan.

Let me see...checking his blog for rants...

nope. hmmmm.

Josh Hoisington said...

Hmmm indeed. I hope he is able to switch over. I know that this is about the point where each birthday is a bitter reminder of the sea of regrets that swallows us, and a lurking, inexorable click of the clock that counts down to our painful and ultimate demise as human beings; a wave of the hand from death himself, and a devilish wink from the youth; each birthday is an uncomfortable examination of our increasingly aging bodies-broken and useless, our wrinkled skin, our aching joints, our wheezing lungs, the downtrodden posture of a person so defeated by the torture of each passing years that one's humanity is crushed like a fly that has had the misfortune of running into a pane of glass; each birthday mocks us and defies us, it taunts us, and finally destroys us, but I still want to wish Steve a happy birthday. And many more.