Saturday, February 03, 2007

from Tyler

Hey, who wants to go canoeing?


Coye said...

is that a euphamism?

Coye said...

I think I'm losing my touch as a provocateur.

Strauss said...

Where do you want to go? I say no to Tyler, but I might consider the Boundary Waters or the Allagash for a vacation this summer.

DM said...

I'm up for something green before I go back to play in the sand for a year. Texas would not be something green.

Strauss said...

Dusty, if anything happens with me, I'll keep you in mind. I'm still waiting to hear from schools before I make any real summer plans.

DM said...

I think the boundary waters would be sweet.

Coye said...

Ha! You and your bourgeois sensibilities: "boundary waters, I love the boundary waters." I'll tell you what is sweet-- the "I recognize no boundaries" waters! We recognize no aquatic boundaries! We proclaim the end to all boundaries in all waters! The waters of the future cannot be bound with the ries of the dead and dying past! The waters of the future are fast and boundless! The Euphamistic Future is here! It will not be bound!

Andrew said...

Tell that to the fish who can't live in salt water. Your aporia is no match for the soothing cathexis of my materiality.

TEFKAMS said...

AAAHHHH!!! Come on!! "Soothing cathexis" ... "aporia" ... This DEMANDS a response!!! I DEMAND a response!!! You can't let him get away with this!!

Coye said...

The futurists feel no need to respond to your dead language or your dead mind. We deal in motion and action and violence and virility! We have no time for aporias and cathexis and soothing anything! We do not sooth! We destroy! We destroy all boundaries that inhibit the free flow of water and we respond to no one! Responses are responses to the past! We live in the pushing, pulsing, pumping, ploughing, piston-popping future!