Monday, January 29, 2007

Traber611 Online is dead! Long live Traber611 Online!

Wow. This new format looks great. It's almost as good looking as... oh, never mind. You guys wouldn't want to hear about that sort of thing.


Dave said...

only 7:42pm? would have expected such strangeness to come more around 2am or something.

Dave said...

And, Kyle, I see you've switched. Cool. I imagine that means you still keep up with the blog.

Hi! and hope you are doing well.

Coye said...

well, I had been on campus for most of the day and taught two classes from 4-6pm, so it seemed really late. Who am I kidding... I'm strange all the time...

Andrew said...

If I may be so bold... I, for one (speaking only for myself, of course), would like nothing better than to hear about just the sort of thing to which the gentleman alludes in his original post. Therefore, I yield the remainder of my time to the gentleman from the state of Texas, for the discussion and elaboration of said topics.

Coye said...

I thank the gentleman from Indiana. At present, I decline my perogative to elaborate on my earlier comments as the subject of said comments constitutes part of an ongoing investigation, an investigation that will be on-going tonight. I yield the remainder of my time back to the gentleman from Indiana.

Andrew said...

The situation sounds as serious as it does interesting. Therefore, in the interest of the constituents of this fine establishment, I move that we immediately establish an independent, bi-partisan commission to aid the gentleman from Texas in his ongoing investigation.

Dave said...

oh my. and yes, only topped by a previous oh my". But still, oh my.

Coye said...

Gentlemen. Gentlemen!

[My my my my...]

I want to assure the gentlemen from Indiana and Massachussets that no further oversight is required. We are making progress without the help of the committee and will continue looking into these matters on Saturday.


Strauss said...

Man, could we legally tap the Texan's phone without a warrant since he won't cooperate?

Andrew said...

Well, to be honest, I don't think that really matters these days...

Coye said...


Dave said...

is pretty stinking funny.

Coye said...

taking the resistance underground!

Dave said...

hey Coye:

What am I, a mind reader?

a dream within a dream.

Coye said...

that ship has sailed