Friday, January 12, 2007


AAAHHHH!!! Hearty congratulations to our collegue and friend Coye, who passed his qualifying exam yesterday (no doubt with the flyingest of colours!!!)!!! Although both his and Andy's intelligence pale in comparison to my staggering cognitive faculties (after all, the whole concept of instutionalized, qualifying examinations... was my doing!!!), his success is yet worthy of high accolades and much praise.


Andrew said...

wow, that picture is almost a perfect representation of my own qualifying exam! How does that TEFKAMS guy come up with this stuff!?!

Strauss said...

Congratulations! I hope to be joining you in finishing my exams for my master's by Tuesday night.

Dave said...

Wow. congratulations Coye and Strauss!

Here at the Conwell they just ask us to spell our names correctly and then give us masters degrees.

Mine, of course, will say: Daved Joens

Strauss said...

I'm thinking of going with Andru Strouse.

Ryan said...

Rion Baneck

Coye said...

Thanks, TEFKAMS! (and Andy and Dave and Strauss)

Keep the faith, Strauss! You OWN this exam! It's your little pet monkey that you make scratch your back and change the channel (yes, you DO have a remote control, but you still make the money do it!)

Word to your mother,

Strauss said...

I think I passed both my micro and macro exams! Pass two classes this spring and the degree is mine. Thanks for the encouragement Coye.


Coye said...

way to go, Strauss! we knew you'd tear it up.

Josh Hoisington said...

Dzhahsch Hoyzyngtuhgn.

But perhaps I should worry about getting my GED before being concerned about other, more heady--and ambitious--matters.

Coye said...

Come on Aetch, we all know you don't go to college without a high school equivalency. By the way, how are California and the Beach Boys treating you these days?
