Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Alive... if you want to call it a life

I know this will come as a dissappointment to some of you, but, yes, I am still alive (sorry, Ryan). I don't want to subject anyone to a rant/moan/pity-party about how busy I am, so I just won't mention what exactly life is like at the moment. It's good, though. I'm sorry that I missed all you guys at Adam's wedding. Come to find out, Katie has a restraining order out on me (or, to be exact, Andy has an order out restraining me from being anywhere near Katie). Ok, so maybe that isn't exactly true, but it makes a better story than my real excuse.

I don't have much time to post today. I just wanted to jump on, say hello, laugh a satisfied chuckle about the Republicans loosing both houses of congress, tell everyone that I look forward to the days when I can post at least as regularly as TEFKAMS, and then sign off.

By the way, I took the personality test, and it said I was an SOB. Does anybody have any idea what that means? I'm stumped.

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