Monday, July 31, 2006

Kids and Madison Ave, or Why Capitalism is Evil

Indulging once again in my summer fling with NPR, I heard this piece about children and commercial advertising: All Things Considered July 31, 2006. I thought I should share it with everyone here since we have already touched on the topic of children, television and commercials. The billions of advertising dollars aimed at preschoolers and toddlers give us one more example-- and a particulary insidious one at that-- of what capitalism is really about. Capitalism is not about meeting needs; it is about creating them. It is not about fulfilling the demands of people in the system; rather, it is the strategic destruction of fulfillment in consumers in order to meet the corporate need to sell more and more units. Why supply what people demand when you can get them to demand what you supply? After all, if you supply what people demand, they might be satisfied, and satisfaction is bad for the bottom line. It's better business to sell desire, and start as young as possible...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

My Ugly Mug

Stop playing games with my face.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Why We Fight

I just finished watching a documentary titled Why We Fight (2005). Has anyone else seen it? If so, I would love to hear what you think. If not, then watch it now. Put it in your Netflix queue or spend three bucks at Blockbuster or whatever, but watch it. I don't have words right now, so I'll talk to you guys later.

Congress Ave

I found this scene reflected in a downtown window.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Get Your Kicks

One of my favorites from the last roll I developed.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

In America

I'm In America.
I'd like to get together with whoever can, which might mean making a trip to Arizona, Tyler, and/or D.C. Anybody in the mood? Please? Pretty please?

Sometime between Aug 6 - 16

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Get your tickets while they're hot!

In full support of our new plan to make crazy delicious money with off-the-wall ideas, I've decided to sell tickets to my wedding.

Dude... I'm getting married. That's stinking weird... and crazy delicious. So yes, I have bit the dust so to speak, and asked Rachel to marry me. After a cute pause, she said yes and sealed the deal. So... I'm excited! That's certainly the second most scary time I've ever had. Second only to almost getting blown up in Iraq. Either one is about as life-changing, but the marriage thing has gotta be WAY more fun. We're thinking of getting married sometime between the end of October and the New Year, but the earlier the better! I would fully accept comments in the nature of congratulations but more importantly, TELL ME WHAT THE HECK I'M SUPPOSED TO DO NOW! Advice from married and single alike are welcome. Peace, love, and all that gushy stuff.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Naseous Anger

I am so angry today with the state of Israel, but it is not a "righteous indignation"; it is anger mixed with dread and an unsettling guilt. I cry for the Israeli dead and hate the violence backed by Hamas and Syria and Hezzbollah. I also weep for the dead in Gaza and Lebanon, and as I weep I see their blood on my hands. Our country has entwined itself with Israel in such a way that their sins cannot but fall on our heads. I feel this in my bones. The billions of dollars, the machines of war and death, our omnipotent veto that silences every censure from the United Nations all offer material support to our tacit approval of whatever Israel does-- no matter how unjust or immoral. But how could we do otherwise? Could we censure the Israeli government for collectively punishing civilian populations when we have murdered tens of thousands in our own "war against terror"? (Yes, "collateral damage" is nothing but a pretty word for murder.) But surely if given the choice between hypocrisy and murder we must choose to be hypocrites and then work to amend our own lives. But our President is silent; our ambassadors protect the "rights" of Israel to destroy Lebanon and Gaza; and we do nothing for those in Beirut who have died, are dying and will die tommorow. God save them, and God save us from their blood which cries out from the ground that soaks it up. In His mercy, let us hear the cry for justice. What twists the knife in my chest is knowing that the vast majority of evangelicals will line up in support of Israel as though that country were established by Divine fiat and not by proclamation of the Bristish empire. Apologizing in the name of God for war waged on civilians is a heresy if ever anything was heretical. I fear that we won't escape from wrath. Lord, have mercy.

One Red Paperclip

So a few weeks ago, Dave and I were talking and we figured that, in light of the fact that we have contributing to this blog a group of very intelligent human beings, we might be able to turn it into a venture that would make us all fabulously rich. And once that happens, we can start solving the problems of the world instead of just talking about them. We figured that Strauss, with his economic know-how and ability to do complex math, would be the source of this amazing idea. But I just read about this blog today where Kyle MacDonald, a random 27-year old from Canada, in the course of a year, managed to trade one red paperclip for an entire house. All on his blog, appropriately named oneredpaperclip. The moral of the story: anyone can come up with an idea that is just so crazy that it might work. Even people who can’t do complex math. So, since we don’t seem to have anything more to talk about during these quiet summer months than… grass… this is your chance to offer up your ideas for our collective online business venture. The winning idea will receive a silver-colored paper clip. Hey, it’s more valuable than you think…

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Is our archive being destroyed?

What's happening to the early months of our blog? Is it being eaten alive? I know we started this thing before December 04. For example, where is the lovely picture I took of Logemann's house burning down???!!!

Maybe we should rethink moving to a private space where we have more control of the content.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Too Much Grass, Not Enough Green

Why do we have so much grass in America? It was hardly used at all in Japan, and I admit I missed it. But here there is such an awful excess in lawns, parks, sports fields, etc that I am beginning to loathe it. Why grass over every other plant on the earth?

Friday, July 07, 2006


On a more serious note, here's a review of the new Pirates movie delivered by a ninja. The kind of high quality, hard hitting journalism we expect from NPR. Seriously, though, it's great.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Independence Day

Happy 4th, everybody! Enjoy the grillin' and the chillin' (that's "chilling" for those of us without progeny and "children" for the breeders in our midst). But don't forget what the day's all about: the perfect mixture of alchohol, water sports and explosives. It's amazing that there are any Americans left alive (or at least with all our fingers). Excercise your freedom to choose between hot dogs and fried chicken, or eat them both and wash it all down with a cold Sam Adams. To paraphrase Patrick Henry: Give me a beer, or give me death! And be careful!

(You could also watch Germany play Italy at 3pm eastern... in honor of our German extraction.)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Cubicle Wars

All the talk about online games sparked my memory about playing "Lycos Fight Club" back on the Floor. Unfortunately, that game is no longer available, but Adam, Andy and I have been playing its replacement, "The Office." I'm ashamed to admit how thoroughly Adam has been humiliating me. Play with us. Drink the Kool-aid.