Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tyler Thwarts Dallas

I don't know if I've ever said this before and really meant it, but Hurrah for the Feds! They have stepped in and overruled to great effect both state and local government in this fight near and dear to Tyler, and now we are going to have a national wildlife refuge!

Canoeing, anyone?


Coye said...

I didn't even know we have a state railroad... anyways, sounds like a good deal out there in East Texas. I'm all for protecting open natural spaces and cutting off Dallas' death sprawl. (Michael Banks, however, doesn't see it as a contest-- he wants everyone from Dallas to go canoeing with you on the river... hopefully not all at the same time).

Is this REALLY the first thing the Federal government has done that you can meaningfully "hurrah"? It seems like it's done a few good things before now...

Josh Hoisington said...

I know I just got out here to Hollywood, but I couold very much see myself ending up in Texas at somepoint. It holds a lot of allure for me for some reason. Despite the fact that there are 345.3 guns per person.

Coye said...

and the country's only nuclear warhead assembly plant.

Adam said...

Coye, did I read that right? Did you just DEFEND the federal government? Are you starting some kind of shock and awe campaign or something? Mind-boggling.

Andrew said...

This whole strand of discussion has got my mind reeling. I don't know what anybody believes anymore.

TEFKAMS said...


TEFKAMS said...

Or perhaps, given the spirit of this conversation, I should be slightly more erudite and refined.

TEFKAMS said...

And while I'm being all civilized, why don't we ever hear from that fine fellow, DNJAJLFCHAKST64EVR?

Coye said...

The Feds have done some good things: the civil rights act, Brown v the Board of Education, the 19th, 24th and 26th amendments, to name a few. I'm not a crazy states' rights-er. I think that both the horizontal and the vertical separation of powers are good things, which means that the national government shouldn't have ALL the power but it should have SOME. I don't have anything against the federal government per se, but I do think we'd probably be better off if most of the present Congress had never been born... or if they hadn't sold their souls to corporate special interests. Either way. Do I really need to give my opinion of our current executive? I think not.

The really, REALLY shocking thing in my post was... that I agreed with Ryan about something! See, you knew there was something to be shocked about, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.

Andrew said...

that actually was what I was most surprised about. Shocking, sir. Most shocking.

Coye said...

Get back to work, Andy. Your stopwatch isn't adding any minutes while your reading the blog.

Andrew said...

I cannot but acknowledge the truth of the comment from the distinguished gentleman from Texas.

Coye said...

I yield the remainder of my time to the gentleman from Indiana.