Friday, June 09, 2006


In honor of the World Cup... the 611 national team of bygone days. Posted by Picasa


Coye said...

You know, the best thing about this team was that Rob paid me his part of the IM fee in pennies. PENNIES! What a character. Fellas, I gotta dip...

Stephen said...

Dude, Coye, before you go around lifting other people's lines, weigh the twig, man. I mean seriously: weigh the twig.

Coye said...

I think we finally found out that it was "wait a twig", although the visual images for "weigh the twig" were more interesting... especially when we couldn't figure out exactly what he meant by "the twig."

Dave said...

it could be "weight: a twig"......

Coye said...

Did anyone else see the Sweden/Trinidad game? Pretty great match for a 0-0 draw. Hislop had more saves than Dave Caspar in an average TPFC match. The T&T fans were euphoric. Why is ABC only carrying weekend games?!?! I need more Mundial! More Mundial! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Coye said...

Gracias a Dios por Univision

Strauss said...


Coye said...

no tengo ESPN o ESPN2

Stephen said...

Well the US team was controlling the ball well before it was demoralized by the first 2 goals, but it just doesn't have that "killer instinct", that "finishing touch", that certain "sues de l'umph"

Josh Hoisington said...

Thanks for posting that picture. Playing the greatest game with you guys was truly the highlight of my life. I miss it very much.

Coye said...

I watched the US match yesterday, and while there were a few things to be happy about in the first half, the second half made me throw up a little in my mouth. OK, maybe not that bad, but I had some pretty bad indigestion for an hour or two. Elton John could pass for straight better than most of our guys were passing the ball, and they were taking way too many "shots" from thirty meters out (just because the Czechs could do it to us doesn't mean we should try it on them). And the few times we did get a decent cross there would only be one or maybe two of our players in the box. Arrrrgghhhh!!! We still have a chance to get out of group play, but we'd better get it together before Italia and remember how to play football.

It's my pleasure Aeijtzsche. You know, I sort of miss that suit sometimes...

Coye said...

I just watched Germany v Poland, and... [!!!!!!!!!] what a match! I'm exhausted just from holding my breath. Given their performance in the first two matches, I would recommend watching one of Germany's games if you get a chance. That, and it's good to support unser Mutterland (well, for me and Brett and the Andys, anyways... unless Brett's Dutch...hard to say from here).

Strauss said...

Für das deutsche Vaterland!
Blühe, deutsches Vaterland.

Coye said...

Yes, well I suppose you do have a Vaterland. I, however, have a Fatherland and a Mutterland. The point is that we cheer for Deutschland in the world cup. Unless, of course, they're playing England.

Dave said...

who's the chap that looks pasted in on the left of the picture

Stephen said...

Of course he looks different Dave, but our team valued that kind of ethnic diversity. Not EVERYONE is white, you know.
(psh..."pasted"...hmph...well I never)

Stephen said...

And to answer your question, it's Rivaldo.

Coye said...

Just watched the US/Italy match. Worst referee ever. 3 red cards, I don't know how many yellows. He should be caned.

The US side looked pretty good at times (even when we only had nine men on our side). Donovan and McBride both stepped up, and we got a result. Unfortunately, we still haven't scored a goal, since the 1-1 finish came from an Italian own goal. Now we have to all pull for the Italians against the Czechs on Thursday. Since Ghana pulled out a miraculous victory today, a US win over Ghana put together with an Italian victory will give us 4 points and make us second to Italy's 7. We need a win and some help, but a trip to the round of 16 is still within reach.

Coye said...

England and Germany both won their groups!

Coye said...