Monday, May 01, 2006

Petition for T6 Marriage and Reunion

We, the former members of T6, being in sound mind and body (perhaps) petition the bachelor members of T6 who are not led to a life of singleness to pursue marriage (but not all simultaneously, let's space these suckers out) in order that we might reunite in raucous celebration. Send single-T6ers the message: "Get married, you know you want to." Here's to the future 2007 bash! Unless someone wants to step up and make it '06.

Petition drafted by Plankeye, Inc.


Coye said...

Can't we have a drunken bash without matrimonial ceremonies?

Strauss said...

Yes, but it takes a special event to get people all actually there at the same time. If you can come up with a good one other than marriage, I'll kill my petition.

DM said...

Strauss, why don't you take charge and lead the way? Just let us know the date well in advance.

Andrew said...

I second Dusty's motion--lead on, Strauss, lead on!

Stephen said...

I'm actually getting married next week , but her father wants the wedding here in Japan, so if you guys could make it on short notice, that'd be great.

DM said...

On a general note, what is the best time of year to get married, in order to facilitate the needs of Traber6ites?

Strauss said...

For you Steve, I will be there. Steve, any chance I can get you to answer an email or give me a call some time.

Dusty, good question. The correct answer is probably something along the lines of anytime other than around Thanksgiving, or between Christmas and New Years.

Other holiday weekends are nice in that they lend themselves to extended reunions.

Also, if anyone is looking for a dating self-help book, I read a good one recently by a Dr. Marvin. The chapters include "Babysteps to an RDT," "babysteps to meeting the parents," "babysteps to buying a ring," and "babysteps to the altar." With any luck, I'll be married by the time Andrew Jones is a freshman at Wheaton.

Ryan said...
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Ryan said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Andy. I 'll sign your petition. I do have an alternative for a reunion, but it's not quite as grandiose as a wedding. Here's the plan.

I am going to buy a house in Tyler and get a new credit card through You each have to do the same thing. Get a frequent flyers credit card. We will funnel all our money--college payments, car, insurance, house, medical , gas, groceries, everything--into these credit cards and earn airmiles like crazy. Every dollar can give us one frequent flyer mile. When we all have enough miles (after about 10 months, I think, next spring) you will all fly to Tyler and move into your new houses. Happily ever after.

Coye said...

I said, "Good morning, Gil."

Andrew said...

Why does everything always center around Tyler, Texas? Surely, there are better places in the world for us than this...

Ryan said...

I'm not trying to be pretentious. Many places around the world are just as good and bad as Tyler, TX. It is my home, however, and therefore a good place to join the war for goodness and beauty. We start with truth and end with action and that's why I invite you to Tyler. You and I are interested in truth.

Strauss said...

So... where we live shouldn't center around Tyler. It should center around Ryan. I get it now.

Ryan, if you have a strong desire to build community with friends from college, maybe you need to move near one friend or many if you can find an acceptable enclave. (Why are you bound to Tyler?) Then, build up this Christian community with those Wheaton friends, their friends, and people that you meet. You would be welcome in DC, and I'm guessing some other bloggers could share that sentiment about where they live.

If you want to stay in Tyler, getting the existing body of Christ there to draw closer together might be better than a vision of transplants radically changing the city.

Coye said...

Well, I certainly don't want any of you down here with me. Stay away. Far, far away. In fact, I think more of you should follow Steve's lead and stay overseas. I hear that outer Mongolia is lovely this time of year. And as for this war for goodness and beauty, I don't want any part of it. Sounds like a jar of syrup in a marshmallow factory, and that kind of sugary-sweetness sets my teeth on edge. (Andy will probably have to inject some insulin just from reading it!)

Adam said...

I'm glad we're at the point where Andy's INCURABLE and LIFE-THREATENING disease is care-free fodder for mockery. (sarcasm intented - I actually do think we should mock the genetic anomaly that forces Andy to lance himself multiple times every day.)

On another note and in Ryan's defense (though I have no particularly driving love for Tyler)... I have to say, why NOT Tyler? I don't think any of us can reject Ryan's invitation out of hand until 2 or more of us are gathered in one community and can claim the weight of a majority. As it stands now with every single one of us in a separate locale, why not give Ryan a chance to justify and explain his rationale. Let's give peace a chance, children.

Personally, though, I have to weigh in with my preference for us all to move to Phi Phi Island (pronounced "Pee Pee" by the way - hope that won't negatively affect anyone's decision). Live in a beautiful Wheatonesque community and serve as a light for Christ where currently there is none?! My kind of life. :-)

Coye said...

Yeah, I think you all SHOULD go to "pee pee" island-- especially you, Adam. And stay away from my hometown!

Coye said...

Whoa, sorry about that, guys. Adam must have got on my account and tried working through some self-loathing issues. Adam, we all love you-- be nicer to yourself!

Ryan said...

Coye, when did goodness and beauty lose their savor for you?

Andy, no, I am not interested in building up community with friends from college. I am interested in building up my city with my friends' help. I have a good start in Tyler and as I said before it is my home. I am not bound but I am committed.

I see myself as participating in mainstream American culture. Being home gives me as great a stake in life as any person can have. I am not likely to leave, but for those who are not yet rooted somewhere I invite you to Tyler. It is a good place and could be great with concerted leadership.

Dave said...

From somewhere off the east coast, somewhere below the surface:

As the undercurrents of these comments above mark out, the flavor (and geography) of truth and beauty (or even not-truth and not-beauty (which, so often, turn out to be the same rhetorical devices)) seem always to resemble the one speaking about them. Can we--as narcissus--escape ourselves from this cultural captivity? How can we escape the bounds of our submersion in our our reflection? Hmmm, there's the salty rub.

I do not imagine myself, even now, to be speaking as an outsider. No, the intrusion cannot come from my own mouth.

So, why write? Why say anything? Yet what else!? No, there is still strange hope.

There is nothing so uncomprehendable as the new creation living somehow strangely in the old. For what is new does not consider itself; what is old cannot do otherwise. And where are we--bound and freed--in the midst of it all? How do we speak in love? How do we know we are speaking life (and not just speaking our own self-loves?)?

Truth is life, but we, ourselves, are not life. We are ones who eat ourselves until we are left as hungry talking heads. As self-same villages. As oppressive nation-states.

I want the Turn; the intrusion, the inbreathing--I want it more than anything else. Yet all around me and in me there is deception. Light bends down here...

I will not resign, I will not pull these bitter waters into my burning lungs-- I wait -- I wait with these words:

"Speak Father, and I live; Say 'live' and I will speak life."

Strauss said...

Ryan, thanks for a better explanation of why Tyler. I get it now, but I still don't have a grasp for what you see as the way you and friends will lead Tyler. What is the vision that you believe God has given you for Tyler? Beauty, goodness, and Truth sound great, but how do you see those things being actualized?

Coye said...

salty rub...mmmmmmm, bar-b-q good

Dave said...

Darling its better down where it's wetter

Stephen said...

Darling I love you but give me Park Avenue.

Coye said...

Oh, where have you been, my darling young one?

Strauss said...

Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling, Clementine?

Coye said...

Beauty walks a razor's edge, someday I'll make it mine.

Dave said...

And she named him Moses...

Dave said...

Hopefully pigs, not things.

Dave said...

Well, ok, things can go over too.

Coye said...

after the pigs go off the edge, can we season them up with a salty rub and savor the goodness of their beautiful ribs?

Dave said...

I'm afraid we'd be too busy escaping the fury of the townsfolk (who just lost a lot of surplus)

Coye said...

but cliff-pigs are devilishly tasty

Dave said...

Ah, interesting. They've fished them out and are selling them to us (after much processing, of course--from the sea to the jungle to a little box to our homes). Two minutes in the microwave and you've got smooth sailing for dinner--guarenteed or your life back!

Coye said...

now that's just getting weird

Dave said...

well, it's flooding here in MA.

Coye said...

That's because MA is full of immoral liberals whom God is punishing for their unamerican lifestyles.

Dave said...

that's helpful. thank you.

Coye said...

I try.