Friday, May 12, 2006

A Personal Post (since they seem to be popular)

Yesterday (actually last night... round about 9.30pm) I turned in my last paper for the semester, and now I have a few days off before my students take their final exam (leaving me with 2 days of frantic grading before final grades are due). I think I'm a workaholic. I expected to wake up this morning with feelings of great release and joy and jubilation and all of that. Instead, I got up and wandered anxiously around my living room trying to find something to do that resembles work. I'm still trying to find something to do that resembles work. Maybe it's just a paper-halo that will wear off a little later when I realize that I did, in fact, get everything turned in already. Or maybe I'm a workaholic.

I'm driving up to the panhandle in a few days to see my youngest cousin graduate from high school, and I'm going to hang out in Amarillo until Memorial Day. After that, I'm coming back down to Austin and (for the moment) I'm planning on taking a French course over the summer (perhaps as much from wanting to be busy as from needing the class right now-- although I do need it eventually). I guess I should also try relaxing a bit over the summer. A little tubing on the river. A little local music. A little hanging out at the local swimming hole. A little revising papers and reading books for my qualifying exam.

You're all welcome-- no not welcome, invited!-- to stop by Austin and join in on any of the above activities. (I should also add "A little beer" to that list.) I realize that Austin isn't the cultural center that Tyler is (a little Texas humor), but I'm sure we could find something to do. Well, I've decided that I'm not as good at these personal posts as I am at being contentious or ridiculous, so I'm going to sign off now and think of something stupid to write later. Remember to call your mother this Sunday and tell her you love her.


Coye said...

OK. So after I posted on the blog this morning, I took a bus to campus, spent a couple of hours in the modern/contemporary wing of the new Blanton museum, walked down to the Capitol and looked at some monuments on the grounds, walked through downtown with my camera and shot about half a roll of film until I made it to the lake, where I sat on a grassy bank and watched the water/listened to the bats until I got tired and hopped on a bus to go home when a friend of mine called me and told me that Austin Shakespeare was puting Richard III on in Zilker park tonight, so I packed a picnic dinner, jumped on another bus to the park, watched the play, came home and typed an enormous run-on sentence.

so what was going on today up in Tyler?

Dave said...

Well I'm glad you didn't stay home revising papers!

And film? Film? FILM? I say we save up and get Coye a super-sweet digital camera. I'll sentence two cents.

Strauss said...

I've heard Austin is a pretty cool city, one of Texas' few redeeming qualities according to people that I've talked to. Coye, enjoy the slower pace of life. I'm looking forward to a slower pace, as I have my last final on Monday.

Strauss said...

I've heard Austin is a pretty cool city, one of Texas' few redeeming qualities according to people that I've talked to. Coye, enjoy the slower pace of life. I'm looking forward to a slower pace, as I have my last final on Monday.

Ryan said...

I went canoeing in a swamp.

Saw birds of the air, fish of the sea, and all things that creep on the earth or under the earth. But not the alligator or wild boar I hoped for.

All this just 20 min from Tyler.

Coye said...

Good grief, Ryan... you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Ryan said...

That was a re-enactment of the shortest letter ever written.

Coye said...

names were changed to protect the innocent