Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Fun with Current Events

Take a break from your crazy runnings to and fro and join me for a little [music cue] Fun with Current Events.

OK, so here's a new method of doing government we could start applying here: if you don't like the Bills Congregress is sending out, just send them a Czech! You could call it the system of Czechs and balances...
As Emeril on the Food Network says "BAM!"; now that's the way to get things done!

OK, well, moving on. Who knows, the Catholic Church might be the biggest criminal in the world? And what's the crime? More abuse scandals? A priest run drug ring? A secret movement to destroy the world? No; these are not so serious as the crime here! The plaintiff, Italian Luigi Cascioli (I know, by the name I thought he was French too) is charging that the Church's teaching that Jesus was a real person is a crime against the Italian people. That could get interesting, especially once the court allows The Divinci Code to be taken as part of the evidence for the case.

If it weren't for the fact that Coye isn't 41, I would have thought he might have changed his name and gone on a little Lithuanian vacation during his summer break under the name Vidmantas Sungaila. Dang.

Well, that's been a fresh batch of Fun with Current Events; we're committed to keeping you afloat in the wide ocean of news related materals.


Coye said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Dave. It's one thing to call Aeijtzsche an internatioanally amphibious lunatic; it's something else to call me the world's greatest sot (or second worst... there's always David Crosby). Funny though. Well, I have to get ready to go to the bar-- my brother is playing a set!

Dave said...

I didn't know your brother was in a band. What does he play?

Coye said...

he plays guitar and sings. right now he is doing a combo set of solo and duet performances with another guitar player. they play a lot of original stuff, but they also cover the nixons and the pumpkins and groups like that. last night was the first time I've heard him play with this guy. it was pretty good...even if my blood alchohol level was 18 times higher than the legal limit here in Texas.

Dave said...

Speaking of Byrds...

"And after two rounds with Jose Cuervo..."

Darn it, I'm just kidding! Don't hit me!

Coye said...

oh yeah! Country music and tequila, my two FAVORITE things!

[There really should be a universally recognized sarcastic font]

Dave said...

It was just the dual reference to the band sounding better + the byrds, you know. I couldn't pass it up.

Dave said...

Anyway, Check this out, while it's still "there".

Coye said...

now, where did I put my invisibility cloak? I know I left it around here somewhere...

Dave said...

Do scientists ever sit down and think: "gee, is this REALLY such a good thing to make?" I mean, it would be super cool and all; but I'm struggling to think of a single socially-healthy use of an invisibility cloak. Someone should go ahead and write a freak-out novel that predicts what would happen if these things hit mass market. My guess is--knowing America--we'd all buy them and wear them ALL THE TIME.

Strauss said...

We could put them on our cars when we want to run red lights. It would be great! [the universal sarcasm font]

Coye said...

and the current events get stranger and stranger

maybe the senate should investigate whether televangelists are using steroids on a wide scale