Thursday, April 27, 2006

Dave Update

So, here I am in my apartment, sitting and typing on my mom-in-law's little white iBook. Sarah's making the rounds, turning off the lights and picking up the various and sundry things that the smallest member of our family left in his amazing wake. He's fast asleep now; he doesn't yet share his father's latest talent of lying in bed for hours without falling asleep.

This has been a hard semester. A hard last couple of months. Emotionally, it has reminded me of the times I used to lie stacked up near the ceiling of traber six, focusing on the simple action of breathing because any mental inch past that would hit the unstable complexity where things fall apart. Circumstantially, things are a bit more layered than they were back then. I am a father, a husband, a student. In those senses, it's a lot more scary when things don't hold together as neatly as I'd like them to.

Ok, Dave, enough poetics, what do you have to update?

Who are you?-- so rudely interrupting my descriptions-- I'm not sure I was finished.

I don't know, I just thought you actually might be getting to something that has anything to do with your title. Just a thought.

You're right--you know, that is my problem. It's my problem with the papers I try to write. It's the problem with the essay exams I try to compose. It's the problem with my grand schemes to change the way Churches operate in an urbanizing world. I've got a lot of grand ideas floating around in my head--then when I go to put them down in any logical order, all I do is start blabbering about obscure details which have little to do with....I'm doing it right now. Sorry.

Since I last wrote, I've completed another semester of terribly interesting but terribly confusing courses. Seminary definitely raises more questions than it answers. True, I knew this would be the case when I came; but simply cannot avoid the emotional process of actually walking through complex confusery, if you know what I mean.

I applied for a job that I knew was a bit out of my reach and made it to the first round of interviews but no further. Gordon College (not the seminary) has started a partnership with the city of Lynn through which they connect student interns with urban development opportunities. This is a growing program, and the woman who has developed it (through Gordon) has big visions for it--she hopes both to engage in wide scale urban development as well as wide scale educational reform (turning the current incubator model of education into a service-learning model). Anyway, it's a growing program, and they have just added an Associate Director position to it. This is the position to which I applied. So, on the one hand, it's been hard dealing with the disappointment of a dream job not working out. On the other hand, it's encouraging to know that there is a type of job out there that I can get really excited aobut.

This week, Sarah and I will be traveling with Andrew down to Florida to pick up my parent's car (long story) and slowly drive it back up to MA over the course of the week. I'm looking foward to spending some time just letting my system reboot (ha! the metaphors that emerge with technology!).

OK. I'm tired. I hope this hasn't been to confusing of a post for you to progress through.
I miss you guys. We should do more writing about our lives. It's hard to get things out in type, but I think it's worth it.
Anyway. Over-and-out. Until next time.


Coye said...

Much love, Dave. Much love.

Andrew said...

Randomly found on my hard drive, in a file dated April 22nd, 2000, I bring you three short plays by our very own David Jones:

The Punch Line

1) This article is stupid.
2) Why?
1) Because it makes me angry.
2) Why?
1) Now your making me angry.
2) Why?
1) Shut up!
2) Why?
1) Because I said so!
2) Why?
1) OK now your gonna get it.
2) Why?
1) (Punch!)
2) Ow!
1) I warned you!
2) Ow!
1) I certainly did!
2) Why?
1) What?
2) Why did you punch me!
1) Cuz’ you provoked me!
2) No I didn’t!
1) I warned you!
2) (Punch)
1) Ow!
2) Now look who’s crying!


Train of thought.

Fred: The train is coming at three o’clock
Tom: I don’t care what time it comes, just as long as it gets here.
Fred: Sometimes I think that you and I are completely different people…
Tom: But we are!
Fred: Righto! And that most likely explains my thinking.
Tom: Wow, I hope the train gets here quick.
Fred: The train is coming at three o’clock sharp
Tom: I pray it will come early
Freda: You guys are weird
Fred: Who are you?
Freda: My name is….
Tom: I wonder when that stupid train is coming…
Fred: Freda is that you?
Tom: What?
Fred: Nothing.
Tom: What time is it?
Fred: The train is gonna get here at three o’clock
Tom: Sometimes I want to….
Freda: …Freda…
Tom: That train is taking forever.


Redding it happen.

Hector: The color red is so intrusive…it seems to be breathing down my back…
The man next to him: Beg your pardon?
Hector: If you didn’t understand me the first time, you never will understand me.
The man next to him: What is this?!
Hector: (pulling out his handkerchief) Look! How can you disagree?!
The man next to him: What in TARNATION!
Hector: Come on old fellow! Have a look for the first time, RED RED RED!
The man next to him: You are so….oh my…you do have a point…That is rather
Hector: Biting? Seething? Strangling?
The man next to him: Yes! Yes! Put it away!
Hector: Ah yes…And I will…for I as well can’t stand the sight of it.
The man next to him: What now? What is there to do?
Hector: I don’t know, that is what made me tell you.
Fred: yes…hmm.
Hector: We are brothers.
Fred: hmm…yes.


Andrew said...

Oh wait, this one is even better! Here is the text of the first book Dave and I wrote collaboratively:

Conversation Stoppers

I’m on this no-shower strike. . .so far I have fifteen days!

How do you think I’d look as a woman?

Aren’t you glad we aren’t frogs?

Can I kiss you right now… you know… in a platonic way? *

My entire family just died. Wanna hear about it?

List a thousand reasons why I’m not stupid and useless.

If I were to ask you to marry me what would you say? *

Have you ever explored the wonderful world between your toes?

Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like a beaver?

I have a better name than you.

I’d prefer a large calculus textbook to your company.

Your french-fry looks strangely like my cousin Fred

So yesterday after I finished sniffing glue. . .

(Put something in your mouth and then spit it out in disgust) Hey, anyone want this?

Can I call you Poochums?

This juice is soooo good! No pun intended!!

I found out that I can bite my toenails today!

You have a stupid laugh.

I’m a big fan of the 80’s

I don’t like people.

Is my deodorant working? (you can actually go right up and offer a sniff)

I meant to do that.

I’ve made it all semester without washing my bed sheets!

I pee in the shower.

I think the Old Testament’s boring.

(try to pick their nose) Here let me get that for ya!

(After they share something about themselves) That’s ok, I still wet my bed.

Do you want your spouse to be smarter and more attractive than you. . .cuz I’m probably both.

What would you say if I told you that I’ve been tapping your phone line?

Hey… does anyone want to go to Fischer?

Andrew said...

As should be clear by now, I have a 20 page seminar paper to write this weekend, and am therefore finding any and everything I can to help me avoid this unpleasant task. Hope you all are doing well. I will write more when I'm done... or when I find some other great stuff on my computer. Which ever comes first.

Coye said...

After quickly scanning my computer for Jones-related material, I discovered this pair of poems that I discovered one day written on my laptop in Traber:

to the extent that things occur
we are
and we become
what we never thought possible
before they came

and went

and now we are


I hear my own music playing on the radio- and I don't feel like it is me. It was me, but what am I now? Music is the process of discovery, it is not the answer once and for all. I must write and write and write and write, and never stop. That is the restlesness of the artist. Nothing is complete, it is always in process. Sitting back and saying "That's it!" is only a moments experience, it can never be exactly recaptured.
And that is life. And that is art.

[yes, yes, I am also working on seminar papers.]

Andrew said...

Continuing my efforts to anthologize Dave's life, I offer this conversational fragment:

Dave-When I have a wife she’ll make me cookies every day, that’s one requirement.

Me- I’m sure Sarah’ll love that.

Dave- If she loves me, she’ll serve me.

Strauss said...

Oh, dear. We love Dave. Good luck with that paper, Andy!

Dave said...

you guys are the best!

Whoever wrote that red thing was a stinking genius!

I think SOMEONE (cough cough) should get married soon so we can all see each other again!

Dave said...

Andy, I found this little co-written treasure on my C:

Katie left
We are bereft
Incoherently stranded
Deliciously reminded
Like chocolate on steel
Melting in the open sun.

My roommate is no more, but is
In a room of his own
No howling wolfes
Nor exquisite dinner parties
Just me
In the open salt sea
A pen
Not a knife
And oblivion
To die with

“Katie, its—it’s a poetic voice,” Achilles
Said, “she’s mine”
Into the clay pot—Keats
Beauty truth a chamber pot
Da-Da’d into by a homeless stranger
Meddler fixer rearranger
Until all is quiet on the Eastern front—Bush
The sun never sets…
Until Swing Lo!. . .comin’ fourth to Kerry
The sun never rises
In a Nietszchein world
And the oppressor runs away with the girl.

Coye said...

I don't want your credit card.

Strauss said...

Life is like a well-thrown phone?