Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bringin' in a couple o' keys

Well friends, did you know that at the time of Julius Caesar's famous quote "veni, vedi, vici" it would have been pronounced "weenie, weedie, weekie"?

That's totally beside the point. The Point, as Harry Nilsson might not say, is that Tomorrow morning, I will be embarking on a cross country drive that will consumate my move to Los Angeles. I've decided to move to LA for several reasons, most of which involve unbridled hedonism of the highest order.

As a footnote to my undoubtedly nightly romps, I also have the opportunity to be working doing something I really enjoy: researching the music of the Beach Boys. There's also a chance I could work at the TV station "The Style Network."

It will be interesting, to be sure. I've been wanting to move back to LA after moving away almost 16 years ago, so I'm really happy and excited. But it will be a new challenge that I'm not used to.

I'll let you all know how it goes, when I'm not floating on a raft in the waters of scandinavia, that is.


Strauss said...

Good luck in Cali.

Coye said...

Well I'm glad to hear it. I was talking with Josh the other day, and we both agreed that Aeijtzsche was wasting a perfectly respectable genius by working in a Michigan garden center (or what have you).

Go west, young man!

Dave said...

Cool man. Keep us up on the down low if you know what I mean. (or, I suppose, I could just look in US Weekly to keep up with you too!)

Coye said...

um, Dave... I think you should know that "the down low" and "the low down" aren't the same thing... and you just told Aeijtzsche not to tell anyone about us.