Monday, March 27, 2006

Here's to Cinderella!

So I now attend a school that is in the Final Four of the NCAA tournament. I didn't expect this to ever happen, but I have sincerely enjoyed shouting at the television set over the past couple of weeks. It's tempting to camp out on campus overnight to be in line for tickets to the Final Four in Indy, but it's hard to justify the move. Not much to report here on a more personal note. I'm swamped in midterms which I sort of need to do well on.


Friday, March 10, 2006

Anyone interested?

My spring break is coming up soon, and I think I'm going to spend it on a tropical island in Thailand chilling and snorkelling. Would any of you guys be interested in joining me? The beach bungalows are really cheap. Or we could camp. It'd be from like March 27-April5.

I hate big decisions

A few new updates. Besides fighting a war in Iraq, I have made a couple of big jumps. First, I am having a new house built while I am away. Becoming a home owner is a scary yet exciting process. The scary part is that I have not even seen the lot, but I saw the floor plan and the builder is one of the best around. One of the interesting features is that he has hidden speakers in all of the rooms. I think it would be fun to have a house filled with music!

The second piece of info is that I was selected by commanding general of the 101st Airborne Division to attend graduate school (around year 2011) at the school and program of my choice. The army would pick up the tuition tab, and unlike ROTC, I would continue to be paid my full salary and housing expenses. This commitment would obviously take me well beyond my current commitment and propel me farther up the food chain. I don’t want to spend my life in and out of deployments, but retiring at age 42 with a life pension does not seem like a bad idea. For the time being I will keep this grad card in my back pocket. I am still applying for my other grad school options.

Iraq is going well. I am looking forward to pinning on Captain sometime this summer or early fall.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin

Both I and Calhoun Hall (English) are reflected. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Popcorn and Ice Cream

Ahhhh... the joys of being an adult. Tonight I had popcorn and ice cream for dinner. If you remember being a kid and wanting popcorn and ice cream for dinner-- or maybe chocolate milk and an ice cream sandwich, or Cheetos and root beer-- and if you never actually had those things for dinner, then I say go for it now. Carpe diem! Chances are, it won't even make you sick (like your mom said it would), and even if it does, you'll still be living that childhood dream. That's what it's all about, boys: taking every opportunities and enjoying the small things in life. Small things like popcorn and ice cream. For dinner.