Thursday, November 24, 2005


I am back in Amarillo at my parents' house for Thanksgiving. Hope everyone had a good one. I'm taking advantage of this being a holiday as an excuse not to do any work (I have a tidy stack of books and journal articles in the guest room (that's strange. It's one thing to leave home and go off to college and come home on holidays to your own room with your own stuff, but it's quite a different thing to take all your belongings with you and then stay in your parent's new guest room. Austin feels more like my home now (as I sit in Amarillo) than it has at any point over the last four months of living in Bat City (a nickname for Austin, based on the number of bats that live in the area (there are over 2.5 million bats under the Congress Avenue bridge alone)). I'm really looking forward to going HOME at the end of the weekend, taking the bus through my new city and sleeping in my own bed in my own appartment. It wouldn't be that strange at this point to tell someone that I'm from Austin (unless of course I was speaking in Spanish (in which case you are always FROM the place you were born (soy de (I now have 161 views of my blogger profile (beat that chumps)) Amarillo))). At the same time, I haven't really seen as much of Austin as I would like (grad school keeps one rather busy), and I am looking forward to spending some time at HOME in AUSTIN over the Christmas break. At any rate, I feel much more independent, more... grown I guess. It feels nice.)-- a combination of books by and articles on Philip Roth, Jacques Derrida and Emmanuel Levinas. It's good reading, but it's all I've been reading for a very, very long time. Centuries perhaps.) I know it seems stupid to try working over a holiday break (you probably noticed that that was the last closing parenthesis, if you were paying attention), but I have two twenty-page rough drafts due next week, and I can't afford not to work at least some. Happy Thanksgiving!


DM said...

Happy Thanksgiving from Iraq everyone!

Strauss said...

Yeah, I'm studying once I get off the computer. Oh well, so be it. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Coye, I can also commiserate with the HOME/guest room thing. It's weird sleeping in a double bed in my old room with the room completely redecorated. The weirdest part has to be the double bed, as I've never had one. It's weird to think that I might not be sleeping alone some day.

Coye said...

It's been snowing for several hours in Amarillo, but I'm about to leave for Austin and today's high of 82. Texas is such a tiny little state.

oh, and apparently Mr. Satan (now TEFKAMS) is still more interesting than Andy

Coye said...

You know what would be cool. If someone posted something on the blog. Just making a comment would be a close second. WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!?!

Dave said...

Some sweet links:

A Sweet Collection of the writings of the early church fathers

The Online Etymology Dictionary"

The Gutenberg Project

In other news, I'm almost finished with my first semester. This program is going to be over before I know it, then I have to figure out what to do with my life.

Remember soccer golf? That was sweet.

Remember trying to penny each others doors, that was so not successful.

Remember watching me play hours of half-life, remember how I got killed by Steve over and over and over and over again? That was no good.

Why am I writing these things? I'm not sure, I just feel like writing.

Actually, here's the thing: lately I've hated writing. I used to be able to write sweet paragraphs, but now I can't seem to get my thoughts in any kind of order. I just babble babble babble, like this. I hate it; I hope it dosen't last. See! I can't writing a flowing paragraph anymore.

Has the world gotten too confusing to write in? Have I allowed myself to go too long without engaging in the lives of real people--am I just shut up in the la la land of abstract thought? May this not be the case!

Well, Coye, you asked why we don't write: for me, it's because of this. I feel like I'm running out of breath; which is no good at all.

Hopefully this [trying] can become a place to get my breath back...

Coye said...

Davy, I think that new-city-graduate-program-infant-son might have something to do with your feeling, as Rob would say, like your a little scramblin'. Don't despair. Love you, Dave!