Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Sweet action, my CPO box is MINE forever! I think I will somehow integrate this fine piece of American workmanship into the decor of my house.


Dave said...

I'm pretty sure they were made in Cambodia. . .and then painted in China. . .then exported to England. . .then resold to Cambodia at a 5000% markup. . .then stolen by CIA. . .then donated to Wheaton College. . . or something like that.

Strauss said...

I'm holding out for my freshman year chapel seat. When is the college selling those? I need more seating for when I have company over.

Andrew said...

Strauss, I like the way you think... although a Pierce Chapel pew would hold more people.

Josh Hoisington said...

I'm torn between artifacts; I'd love to buy the 611 Studio's Hard Drive as it existed circa winter 2000-2001, but I'd also like to purchase uh...that one field where the school holds it's Soccer games. What was that called again? Seriously.

Josh Hoisington said...

Wait, so the College actually sold individual CPO Boxes?

Stephen said...

McLeedy? McAllister? McGonicle? I can't believe I forgot the name of that soccer field.

Josh Hoisington said...

You forgot too? Was it definitely "McSomething"?

Dave said...


Josh Hoisington said...


Coye said...

East McCully, actually.

Dave said...

I'll East your McCully

Josh Hoisington said...

Site of some of my greatest triumphs as a human being.

DM said...

Sweet, my first day here in Kuwait and I can already hook up my personal laptop to the net. The AC in my sleeping area is so efficient that I cannot tell if it is day or night outside from the temperature alone.

Coye said...

Yeah...um, I usually use my eyes to tell whether it is day or night, but that's probably just another one of my weird quirks.